2021年3月25日 星期四

誠邀大家加入我們大中華留學生全球總會 ~ 入會須知如下~





If you are a foreigner, you can study Chinese for 80 hours for free after joining the membership. If you are a Chinese, you can study English for free for 80 hours after joining the membership. 

As well as getting priority access to various activities .


During the epidemic period, the membership fee was revised by the membership meeting as follows :

If you want to join, there's an entrance fee of 1000 TWD and an annual membership fee of TWD 500,本會入會費1000元新台幣,常年會費500元新台幣。終身年费  Lifetime annual fee:35000NTD.. 顧問費 Consultant fee : 16000NTD 榮譽會長費 Honorary chairman fee:60000NTD

Warmly welcome everyone who has once studied or is studying outside Taiwan and foreigners who are studying or have studied in Taiwan to join our Greater China Of International & Overseas Students General Federation,one member is required to recommend applicants to join the membership. 

 Others who have never studied outsid,and then can be accepted to be the members of GCIOSGF FASHION VEGGIE CLUB.OR SSPECA. 本會宗旨:掌握最新資訊動態,於世界各大主體接軌,友善環境,創新,競技 溝通,交流, 菁英,友誼  Grasp the latest information trends, connect with the world's major entities. Friendly environment, innovation,competition,communication ,exchange,elite and friendship 

 大中華留學生全球總會 Greater China Of International & Overseas Students General Federation


The federation is a non-profit public welfare social organization of which the purpose is to engage in all-round international exchanges, study, cooperation, and friendship. This is a global, industry-wide, non-profit social federation formed voluntarily by individuals , educational institutions, related enterprises and institutions with overseas study experience. The purpose is to conduct all-round and extensive international exchanges, and conduct all-round and full-scale exchanges and cooperation in various fields such as education, medicine, technology, economy , finance, culture, literature, art, music ,dance and ect., With all parts of the world, enhance understanding and friendship, and promote inter-industry development ,social progress and harmony,Promote activities related to energy conservation, carbon reduction, environmental purification, and warming reduction. 

大中華留學生全球總會 Greater China Of International & Overseas Students General Federation



Contact address: 8th Floor-1, No. 91, Section 2, Xinyi Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City.

2. Membership qualifications: 1. Those who have study abroad experience. 3.  with one referrals are required.

四、聯絡方式 Contact method:

(一)地址:台北市中正區信義路2段91號號8樓之1室。To 8th Floor-1, No. 91, Section 2, Xinyi Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City.

(二) 電子信箱Email : gciosgf9988@gmail.com

五、聯絡人 Contact  : OF 


六、入會申請資料如附,或請自行下載影印。The membership application materials are attached, please download or copy by yourself.

大中華留學生全球總會總會Greater China Of International & Overseas Students General Federatio經內政部批准, 現公開徵求招募會員

大中華留學生全球總會 Greater China International & Overseas Students General Federation

個人會員入會申請書Individual Membership Application Form

申請日期Application date: 中華民國Republic of China ______年year____月month ____日date

姓名Name:(親自簽名或蓋章personally signed or stamped )_______

出生年月日Date of birth:中華民國Republic of China: year年_____month 月_____日date

國民身分證或居留證統一編號National ID card or

Uniform number of residence permit:____________

性 別Sex

□男Male □女Female □其他,請說明

Others, please specify:_____________

最高學歷highest education

□國小Elementary School □國中Middle School □高中High School  □二專/五專Secondary/Five Specialty

□大學/二技University/Secondary Technology   □碩士 Master □博士Doctor

□其他,請說明Others, please specify:___________________________

學校名稱School Name :

科系(所)Department (Institute):

現 職Current job

服務單位Service Units::

職 稱:

聯絡地址Contact Address::

聯絡方式Contact method

室內電話Landline phone::

傳 真Fax:

行動電話Mobile phone::

電子信箱Email : @



大中華留學生全球總會 Greater China International & Overseas Students General Federation Consultant Form 顧問表格 填表日期 Date of filling out the form : 中華民國Republic of China ______年year____月month ____日date 姓名Name:(親自簽名或蓋章personally signed or stamped )_______ 出生年月日Date of birth:中華民國Republic of China: year年_____month 月_____日date 國民身分證或居留證統一編號National ID card or Uniform number of residence permit:____________ 性 別Sex □男Male □女Female □其他,請說明 Others, please specify:_____________ 最高學歷highest education □國小Elementary School □國中Middle School □高中High School  □二專/五專Secondary/Five Specialty □大學/二技University/Secondary Technology   □碩士 Master □博士Doctor □其他,請說明Others, please specify:___________________________ 學校名稱School Name : 科系(所)Department (Institute): 現 職Current job 服務單位Service Units:: 職 稱: 聯絡地址Contact Address:: 聯絡方式Contact method 室內電話Landline phone:: 傳 真Fax: 行動電話Mobile phone:: 電子信箱Email : @

原入會費標準Original membership fee:




Merry Reading Time閱讀匯

 GCIOSGF Newsletter會訊: Host:WP Edit: OF 俄烏戰爭的這些事 戰爭的受害者永遠是老百姓 —— 所以孫子兵法寫道:「孫子曰:凡是用兵之法,全國為上,破國次之,全軍為上,破軍次之,全旅為上,破旅次之,全卒為上,破卒次之,全伍為上,破伍次之。是故百戰...