2023年3月24日 星期五

時尚蔬食薈入會表 GCIOSGF Fashion Veggie Club Application Form 時尚蔬食薈入會表

 https://forms.gle/BZGZ8DtZGPfN69rL9 請點入填寫 入會表

The GCIOSGF Fashion Vegggie Club promotes eating a plant-based diet once a month. Plant-based diets rely on vegetables, fruits, grains, and other foods that come from plants, rather than meat and other animal products. These diets are not only good for the environment, but also for your health. Eating plant-based foods can help reduce your risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes, and can also help with weight management. Plus, plant-based diets often require less water and land to produce, making them more sustainable for the planet. So, if you want to do your part to help save the earth and improve your health, consider joining the GCIOSGF Vegetarian Club and eating a plant-based diet once a month.

入會費:1500元。If you want to join, there's an entrance fee of 1500 TDW/year.




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