2024年10月5日 星期六

What is a cliquish social circle ?

GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:

Merry Reading Time 

Host : WP 

Edit : OF 

 What is a circle , cliquish social circle ?

In short, it is derived from the sociological law of “birds of a feather flock together” - people with the same socioeconomic status, similar hobbies and tastes gather together to form a “subculture circle”. Groups that have the same expectations for life and have a sense of type, values, and habits are gathered through circles to create a new way of life and convey a kind of life value.

Regarding circles, the earliest typical representative in China should be Mencius’ mother. She moved her residence three times in search of good neighbors. In fact, she just hoped to find a better living circle through the relocation of her house. As a result, she succeeded. Under the influence of many people, Mencius became a famous thinker and educator in ancient China, and a Confucian master second only to Confucius.

A survey report published by the Stanford Research Center stated:

money earned by one person

12.5% ​​comes from knowledge, 87.5% comes from relationships

Networking plays an important role in a person’s achievements.

Churchill once said:

“It was the meditation in painting that saved me”

His neighbor, a painter, asked him to pick up a paintbrush

Started the journey of being a painter

So it doesn’t matter who you are

What matters is who you are with

One sentence expresses the power of circles

Circles make dreams become reality

Circles attract like-minded people

The development of the times is like waves, rolling forward and gaining momentum while retreating. With the development of science and technology, business models continue to innovate, and consumption patterns gradually shift from the mass consumption economy to the niche economy, which is now called the circle economy.

Based on the different age groups, industry fields, lifestyles, and values, the criteria for judging quality, the degree of emotional perception, and the pursuit of personality are all very different. Therefore, we want to create a popular star consumer product to meet the needs of everyone. It is very, very difficult, so the voice of future product demand will come from circles with common interests, attitudes, hobbies, and values.

The classification and standards of circles are not defined. The development of Internet communication has brought together regions and people who once had no intersection with each other. The popularity and progress of Internet social interaction have once again integrated, sorted out and reorganized the mixed parts. Forming circles, independent of each other but interacting with each other.

Circle economy is a trend

In the era of mass consumption, companies competed on scale, production capacity, and brand effect. But now the upgrading of consumption has led to quality and reputation that companies can no longer easily control. The voice of consumers can be heard through their own circles. The spread of the epidemic will eventually create a wave of shock that will hit the enterprise.

One of the biggest current manifestations is that traditional retail and traditional e-commerce are gradually upgrading to new retail. Strive to form a new retail model with a sharing model, sharing economy, altruistic principles, integrating the fragmentation and socialization of consumption, and unifying online and offline. In the future, I believe that this kind of social new retail will be a new “dividend of the times” for a period of time!

The popularity of circle social networking

In fact, it’s not just consumption, our lives are also subtly changing from the masses to the niche.

Social networking, from the era of letters when “cars and horses move slowly”, to mobile social networking through Internet mailboxes, to the popular online fast social networking through FB,line,WeChat, with the rapid development of the Internet, various social software and tools have emerged. The more they are used and popularized in daily life, the more people rely on these software in social interactions, and the more things and people they get to know and come into contact with. Things can be classified, and social interactions can also be divided to a certain extent. Regardless of industry, workplace, outlook on life, interests, etc., they will form their own circles.

Different circles have different values. Being close to the outstanding circles in this industry can become a kind of motivation. When outstanding people gather together, a huge magnetic field will be generated, attracting other people to join and connect.

The value of a circle is not driven entirely by outstanding people, but by people who are close to the circle. How big the magnetic field of the circle is, how many people it can influence, how many people identify with the circle, and how powerful the circle is. value.

When most people resonate at the same frequency and let their individual excellence empower and inspire each other, then everyone in the circle will gain value.




What is a cliquish social circle ?

GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊: Merry Reading Time  Host : WP  Edit : OF   What is a circle , cliquish social circle ? In short, it is derived from t...