2021年8月1日 星期日

 Attention, please 

大中華留學生全球總會第一次會員大會將於9月19日(星期日)晚六點 在高雄市鳳山區建國路二段88號和樂餐廳舉行。名額有限,報名從速,謝謝。

Attention, please

The first general meeting of the Greater China International & Overseas Students General Federatin will be held at Hola Banquet Hall , section 2 ,No. 88 Jianguo Road, Fengshan District, Kaohsiung City at 6 pm on September 19 (Sunday). The place is limited, so register as soon as possible, please .thank you.




What is a cliquish social circle ?

GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊: Merry Reading Time  Host : WP  Edit : OF   What is a circle , cliquish social circle ? In short, it is derived from t...