2023年4月5日 星期三


 GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:




“四月一日天,花稀葉陰薄。泥新燕影忙,蜜熟蜂聲樂。 ”



The word equinox comes from the Latin term aequinoctium, meaning equality between day and night (aequi = equal and noct = night). That is what today is after all: one of the two period of the year when the sun crosses the equator and the days and nights are in equal length all over the earth, marking our spin from winter to spring.

除此之外,正如我們用孟春、陽春、暮春、酣春等詞來形容不同的春天,英文裡也有許多關於春天的有趣表述。 下面來看看在這個艷麗的季節裡能用到的一些詞彙:


❶Primaveral: /ˌprɪməˈvɪrəl/ adj. 早春的

這個詞源於拉丁語的“初春”,能用來形容初春發生的所有事情。基於這個詞,春天也可以被稱為“黃金時間”(prime time or prime tide)。

❷Vernal: /ˈvɜːn(ə)l/ adj. 春天的


If you vernalize something, you make it spring-like. If something has spring-like qualities, you might note its vernality. And if a friend of yours has a lovely garden growing in the spring, you should probably compliment them on their impressive vernation.



❶Mud-time: n. 泥濘期

在美國東北部,這個詞常用於形容初春地面的冰雪完全融化前,滿地泥濘的時期。 1902年的一份美國報紙寫道:“春天一來,人們就把舊鞋子拿出來修修補補,以便在泥濘期穿著。”

In the Northeast, the straightforwardly named mud time is the period of early spring before the ground is completely thawed and there is much mud. "As soon as spring opens, the people trot out their old shoes," wrote the New Hampshire Portsmouth Herald in 1902, "and have them patched up to wear through mud time."

❷Month-brother: n. 兄弟月

在英國詩人杰拉德·曼利·霍普金斯(Gerard Manley Hopkins)的筆下,三月和四月被稱作“兄弟月”,因為他們吵鬧而暴躁。相比之下,可愛溫和的五月則被稱為“姐妹月”。

Both March and April are known as "month-brothers," being the rowdier, stormier siblings to lovely May, known as a "month-sister." These names comes from the poetic stylings of Englishman Gerard Manley Hopkins.

❸Blackberry winter: n. 黑莓冬


Used chiefly in the southern regions of America, this refers to a period of cold weather in the late spring, more boringly called a "cold snap". The term is said to come from chilly weather appearing after the blackberry plants have begun to bloom, which Americans will feast on in cobblers throughout summer.

同樣描述這段寒冷天氣的詞包括後冬(after-winter),黑刺李冬(blackthorn winter), 山茱萸冬(dogwood winter)和紫荊冬(redbud winter)。


❶Cuckoo: n. 杜鵑鳥


These migratory birds are known as the "harbingers of spring," arriving in places like the British Isles in April.

因此,布穀鳥常常作為春天的使者出現,吉卜林(Joseph Rudyard Kilpling)就曾在詩中寫道:




Cuckoo, bring your song here!

Warrant, Act and Summons, please,

For Spring to pass along here!

❷Chelidonian: adj. 和煦的(春風)


This delicious adjective refers to spring winds, and is derived from the Greek word for swallow. Because the Chelidonian winds are said to arise at the first coming of yonder swallows.

❸Pishachi: n. 庇薩奇風


If you happen to be in South Asia this spring and experience a whirlwind, you should tell your friends you are in a pishachi, a word that comes from Sanskrit term for female demon. If you happen to be in Africa and stuck in a "hot, dry, suffocating sand-wind" which sweeps across the deserts at intervals during the spring, you should know that you are in a simoom.


郭沫若翻譯的托馬斯·納什(Thomas Nashe)的詩中說:“春,甘美之春,一年之中的堯舜”(Spring, the sweet spring, is the year's pleasant king)。





Merry Reading Time閱讀匯

 GCIOSGF Newsletter會訊: Host:WP Edit: OF 俄烏戰爭的這些事 戰爭的受害者永遠是老百姓 —— 所以孫子兵法寫道:「孫子曰:凡是用兵之法,全國為上,破國次之,全軍為上,破軍次之,全旅為上,破旅次之,全卒為上,破卒次之,全伍為上,破伍次之。是故百戰...