2023年12月31日 星期日

Wish you all the members of GCIOSGF have a wonderful 2024 new year !

GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:

2024 new year speech of GCIOSGF‘s president 

Edit: OF 


 Blessings are like blooming maple trees, and the pieces float leisurely. The days are like a flowing happy song that suddenly reaches the end of the year. The years are like a page of notes, which turns to the New Year‘s moment in a trance. Happy New Year 2024 to you all and also have a prosperous year from the President and the management of the supervisors of GCIOSGF 




Merry Reading Time閱讀匯

 GCIOSGF Newsletter會訊: Host:WP Edit: OF 俄烏戰爭的這些事 戰爭的受害者永遠是老百姓 —— 所以孫子兵法寫道:「孫子曰:凡是用兵之法,全國為上,破國次之,全軍為上,破軍次之,全旅為上,破旅次之,全卒為上,破卒次之,全伍為上,破伍次之。是故百戰...