2024年1月21日 星期日

15 times vegetables meals = plant one tree


Eating 15 vegetarian meals can reduce 12 kilograms of carbon emissions, which is equivalent to planting a tree.

Everyone is encouraged to eat vegetarian food, plant trees, and love the earth!

◎The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Chairman Dr. Pachauri and world leaders, experts and politicians all unanimously pointed out: Meat is the main cause of global warming, and being vegetarian can immediately reduce carbon emissions.

◎The Environmental Protection Agency has also launched a 1kg carbon reduction campaign per person per day. As long as we don’t eat meat for one meal a day, we can reduce 780g of carbon dioxide.

◎Amount of carbon dioxide emitted by diet:

*Producing one kilogram of beef produces 36.4 kilograms of carbon dioxide.

*Meat eaters produce 1,500 kilograms of carbon dioxide a year from their diet.

*A vegetarian diet produces 430 kilograms of carbon dioxide per year.

In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards adopting a vegetarian lifestyle, driven by concerns for our health and the environment. Concurrently, the fashion industry has also been embracing sustainability and ethical practices. Now, these two worlds are colliding, giving birth to a powerful movement where veggie and fashion go hand in hand.

Ethical fashion is all about making conscious choices that respect both human welfare and the environment. Just like the decision to follow a vegetarian diet which avoids harm to animals, meanwhile eating vegetables can also reduce the CO2 emissions.The research shows that 15persons having the vegetables meals at the same time one time  is equal to plant one tree. The most important thing is you can become more charming ,healthier, prettier ,and more fashionable via eating vegetables often.

The intersection of vegetarianism and fashion presents a unique opportunity to promote sustainability, ethical practices, and healthier choices. As the popularity of both movements continues to grow, we can expect to see even more exciting collaborations and innovations in the world of veggie fashion. By making conscious choices, we can be stylish and compassionate while advocating for a more sustainable and animal-friendly planet.Warmly welcome you to join us Fashion Veggie Club Of GCIOSGF.








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