2024年2月16日 星期五

The poor are dominated by their psychology, while the rich manipulate their psychology

 GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:Happy reading time

Host : WP

Edit: OF

What are the strong psychological characteristics of world-class rich people? A single thought can determine whether you are 5% rich or 95% poor.

If you want to become a rich person, first build your "easy to get rich" physique.

The poor are dominated by their psychology, while the rich manipulate their psychology: Musk, the world's richest man, chose to invest all his remaining money in the company when he went bankrupt; Buffett, the investment wizard, specially hires opponents when acquiring companies to reduce investment mistakes... These worlds Rich people of all ages tell us with their own stories that if you want to become rich, you must first master people's "psychology." (This article is excerpted from the book "A Rich Man Always Has a Psychology Book in his Bookcase", author: Zheng Yinhao, published by Ping An Culture. The following is an excerpt.)

Scholars say that money is a "living organism." Living beings are easily affected by psychology. In fact, the market often causes the economy to fall into a vicious cycle due to psychological allergic reactions.

Just like if you throw a small stone into the water, the small fish will swim away quickly, money and rich people are formed under the subtle changes in human psychology and behavior. Money controls human psychology, and human psychology is revealed to the outside world through money.

The "recovery of consumer psychology" and "freeze of investment psychology" often mentioned in Korea, the tulip mania in the Netherlands in the 17th century, the Great Depression caused by the Wall Street stock market crash in the United States in 1929, and the Black Monday on October 19, 1987 ) The representative stock price index of the United States - the Dow Jones Industrial Index fell 22.61% in one day, the bursting of the Internet bubble in 2000, etc. These examples clearly show the impact of the psychology of economic entities on the economy.

The more wealthy people I get to know, the deeper my understanding will be - if you want to be rich, you must first understand human psychology, not economic-related theories such as financial management or investment methods.

In other words, if you want to understand how rich people get rich, you need to study various human behavioral psychology before learning about exchange rates and interest rates. Psychology books begin to appear on wealthy people’s bookcases

As of the 1980s, no one in the field of economics had analyzed "human psychology" because at that time "people" in economics were defined as rational decision-makers who tend to be stable and consistent. People are very stable existences and will Respond appropriately based on rewards provided by the system.

It is sufficient to define people through the above. Other psychological factors are considered to blur the focus of the discussion and should be excluded. However, behavioral economists who valued human psychology appeared later. They brought the evidence accumulated in the field of psychology during that period into economics and formally began to systematize and classify it. The results proved that the operation of the economy originated from human irrationality. sex.

After this change, psychology books began to appear on rich people's bookcases, that is, people began to think that understanding human psychology could see the flow of money. Although people often think that money cannot feel human emotions such as crying or laughter, money actually has emotions too. Financial coach Olivia. Mei Lan emphasized that if you want to become a rich person, you need to first solve the emotional and psychological problems deep in the human heart.

The subprime mortgage crisis caused the value of short-selling transactions in the residential market to skyrocket, and Michael, the founder of Thain Capital, made a profit of US$2.69 billion. Berry, steel magnate Andrew who accumulated the most wealth in the United States in the 19th century. Carnegie and Pablo, the billionaire who left more than 50,000 works. Ruiz. Picasso, billionaire and hedge fund manager Paul. Tudor. Jones, etc., why do these wealthy people with more than 1 trillion won in assets in the world become so special?

The reason is that they master human psychology and immediately act on it. Because they understand human psychology, they can see when opportunities will arise and act differently from others.

Through various research results, it is found that if we understand the psychological characteristics of self-made rich people, we can see that their behavioral patterns do not follow the general trend, but run counter to others.

For example, wealthy people are willing to take the risk of constantly pushing boundaries and disrupting the stable status quo, believing that in order to not be constrained by the rules, they must be reexamined and broken.

Rich people rarely imitate established ways; they explore new environments and derive pleasure from opposing majority opinion.

The poor, on the other hand, are swayed by the principles set by the world and the mass psychology that arises within them. If poor people are herbivorous animals that run in the same direction in groups, then rich people are beasts that never move in groups.

When a person makes a judgment alone and acts according to his or her own principles, he or she can obtain economic value called "scarcity." The key lies in judgment that will not be affected by fashion, crowd psychology, or the evaluation of others.



窮人被心理支配,有錢人支配心理:全球首富馬斯克,在破產之際,選擇將剩下的錢全部投入公司;投資奇才巴菲特,收購企業時會特別聘用反對者來減少投資錯誤…這些世界級的有錢人用自己的故事告訴我們,想要成為有錢人,必須先掌握人的「心理」。 (本文摘錄自《有錢人的書櫃總有一本心理學書》一書,作者:鄭寅鎬,平安文化出版,以下為摘文。)



在韓國經常提到的「消費心理復甦」和「投資心理凍結」、17世紀荷蘭的鬱金香狂熱、1929年美國華爾街股市崩盤導致的經濟大蕭條、在1987年10月19日黑色星期一(Black Monday )美國的代表性股價指數-道瓊工業指數在一天內下跌了22.61%、2000年網路泡沫破滅等,這些例子都明顯地展現出經濟主體的心理對經濟造成的影響。






次級房貸風暴導致住宅市場賣空的交易價值暴漲,因而賺得26億9千萬美金利益的塞恩資本創始人麥可.貝瑞 、19世紀在美國累積最多財富的鋼鐵大王安德魯.卡內基 、留下五萬多幅作品的億萬富翁巴勃羅.魯伊斯.畢卡索 、億萬富翁兼避險基金經理保羅.都鐸.瓊斯 等,這些在世上擁有超過1兆韓元資產的有錢人為什麼變得那麼特別呢?










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