2024年10月27日 星期日

Ranked: The World’s Most Innovative Countries in 2024

 GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:

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Ranked: The World’s Most Innovative Countries in 2024

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The Global Innovation Index (GII) 2024, published by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), ranks 133 economies based on their innovation capabilities and performance. This year's report highlights shifts in global innovation leadership, with a focus on emerging economies challenging traditional leaders .

To summarize the results of this year’s GII, we visualized each economy’s score using a global heatmap. Lower scores are shown as darker shades of blue, transitioning to green and then yellow as score increases.


The GII measures each economy based on seven underlying innovation pillars, which altogether comprise 78 indicators. These are summarized in the table below:

Innovation Pillar Example Indicators

👨‍💻 Knowledge & Tech Outputs Patent applications, Hi-tech manufacturing

👩‍🏫 Human Capital & Research Researchers per million population, Global corporate R&D investors

🧳 Business Sophistication Knowledge-intensive employment, University-industry R&D collaboration

📈 Market Sophistication Finance for startups, Venture capital received

💡 Creative Outputs Trademark applications, Global brand value

🛣️ Infrastructure Environmental performance, Information and communication technology access

🏛️ Institutions Regulatory quality, Policies for doing business

The overall GII scores (which are what we’ve shown in the graphic above) are based on the average scores from these seven pillars.

Most Innovative Countries in 2024

The following table includes all of the data we used to create this graphic. For the 14th consecutive year, Switzerland was named the world’s most innovative country.

Rank Name Score

1 🇨🇭 Switzerland 67.5

2 🇸🇪 Sweden 64.5

3 🇺🇸 U.S. 62.4

4 🇸🇬 Singapore 61.2

5 🇬🇧 UK 61

6 🇰🇷 South Korea 60.9

7 🇫🇮 Finland 59.4

8 🇳🇱 Netherlands 58.8

9 🇩🇪 Germany 58.1

10 🇩🇰 Denmark 57.1

11 🇨🇳 China 56.3

12 🇫🇷 France 55.4

13 🇯🇵 Japan 54.1

14 🇨🇦 Canada 52.9

15 🇮🇱 Israel 52.7

16 🇪🇪 Estonia 52.3

17 🇦🇹 Austria 50.3

18 🇭🇰 Hong Kong 50.1

19 🇮🇪 Ireland 50

20 🇱🇺 Luxembourg 49.1


Similar to last year, the U.S. takes third place in the GII. It ranked the highest in Market Sophistication (#1) and Business Sophistication (#2), but its overall score was dragged down by its lower rank in Infrastructure (#30) .

A key theme of this year’s GII is innovation overperformers, which are countries that perform above expectations relative to their level of development.

The top three in this regard are India, Moldova, and Vietnam. All three of these economies have overperformed over the past 14 years since 2011.

Other Key Takeaways

The GII 2024 also provides insight into the current state of global innovation. Here are some of the highlights:

Technological progress: The rate of progress in green technologies is lagging behind average growth for the decade. A key challenge here is reducing the energy consumption of supercomputers.

Technology adoption: 5G, robotics, and electric vehicles are all seeing increased penetration levels.

Socioeconomic impact: The GII reports mixed progress, partly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, levels of poverty are higher than those recorded in 2018, while life expectancy remains at 2015 levels.

排名:2024 年全球最具創新力國家

這最初發佈在我們的 Voronoi 應用程式上。在 iOS 或 Android 上免費下載該應用程序,並從各種可信任來源發現令人難以置信的數據驅動圖表。


為了總結今年 GII 的結果,我們使用全球熱圖視覺化了每個經濟體的得分。較低的分數顯示為深藍色,隨著分數的增加,逐漸變為綠色,然後變為黃色。


GII 根據七個基本創新支柱來衡量每個經濟體,總共包含 78 個指標。這些總結如下表:



👩‍🏫 每百萬人口中的人力資本與研究人員、全球企業研發投資者

🧳 商業成熟度 知識密集就業、產學合作

📈 市場成熟度 新創企業融資,獲得創投



🏛️ 機構監管品質、營商政策

GII 總分(如上圖)是基於這七個支柱的平均得分。

2024 年最具創新力國家


排名 名稱 分數

1 🇨🇭 瑞士 67.5

2 🇸🇪 瑞典 64.5

3 🇺🇸 美國 62.4

4 🇸🇬 新加坡 61.2

5 🇬🇧 英國 61


7 🇫🇮 芬蘭 59.4

8 🇳🇱 荷蘭 58.8

9 🇩🇪 德國 58.1



12 🇫🇷 法國 55.4


14 🇨🇦 加拿大 52.9




18 🇭🇰 香港 50.1

19 🇮🇪 愛爾蘭 50



與去年類似,美國在 GII 中排名第三。它在市場複雜度(#1)和業務複雜度(#2)方面排名最高,但其整體得分因基礎設施(#30)排名較低而受到拖累。


這方面排名前三的分別是印度、摩爾多瓦和越南。自 2011 年以來的過去 14 年裡,這三個經濟體都表現優異。


GII 2024 也深入了解了全球創新的現狀。以下是一些亮點:



社會經濟影響:GII 報告的進展好壞參半,部分原因是 COVID-19 大流行。例如,貧窮水準高於 2018 年,而預期壽命仍維持在 2015 年水準。




Merry Reading Time閱讀匯

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