2024年10月5日 星期六

What is a cliquish social circle ?

GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:

Merry Reading Time 

Host : WP 

Edit : OF 

 What is a circle , cliquish social circle ?

In short, it is derived from the sociological law of “birds of a feather flock together” - people with the same socioeconomic status, similar hobbies and tastes gather together to form a “subculture circle”. Groups that have the same expectations for life and have a sense of type, values, and habits are gathered through circles to create a new way of life and convey a kind of life value.

Regarding circles, the earliest typical representative in China should be Mencius’ mother. She moved her residence three times in search of good neighbors. In fact, she just hoped to find a better living circle through the relocation of her house. As a result, she succeeded. Under the influence of many people, Mencius became a famous thinker and educator in ancient China, and a Confucian master second only to Confucius.

A survey report published by the Stanford Research Center stated:

money earned by one person

12.5% ​​comes from knowledge, 87.5% comes from relationships

Networking plays an important role in a person’s achievements.

Churchill once said:

“It was the meditation in painting that saved me”

His neighbor, a painter, asked him to pick up a paintbrush

Started the journey of being a painter

So it doesn’t matter who you are

What matters is who you are with

One sentence expresses the power of circles

Circles make dreams become reality

Circles attract like-minded people

The development of the times is like waves, rolling forward and gaining momentum while retreating. With the development of science and technology, business models continue to innovate, and consumption patterns gradually shift from the mass consumption economy to the niche economy, which is now called the circle economy.

Based on the different age groups, industry fields, lifestyles, and values, the criteria for judging quality, the degree of emotional perception, and the pursuit of personality are all very different. Therefore, we want to create a popular star consumer product to meet the needs of everyone. It is very, very difficult, so the voice of future product demand will come from circles with common interests, attitudes, hobbies, and values.

The classification and standards of circles are not defined. The development of Internet communication has brought together regions and people who once had no intersection with each other. The popularity and progress of Internet social interaction have once again integrated, sorted out and reorganized the mixed parts. Forming circles, independent of each other but interacting with each other.

Circle economy is a trend

In the era of mass consumption, companies competed on scale, production capacity, and brand effect. But now the upgrading of consumption has led to quality and reputation that companies can no longer easily control. The voice of consumers can be heard through their own circles. The spread of the epidemic will eventually create a wave of shock that will hit the enterprise.

One of the biggest current manifestations is that traditional retail and traditional e-commerce are gradually upgrading to new retail. Strive to form a new retail model with a sharing model, sharing economy, altruistic principles, integrating the fragmentation and socialization of consumption, and unifying online and offline. In the future, I believe that this kind of social new retail will be a new “dividend of the times” for a period of time!

The popularity of circle social networking

In fact, it’s not just consumption, our lives are also subtly changing from the masses to the niche.

Social networking, from the era of letters when “cars and horses move slowly”, to mobile social networking through Internet mailboxes, to the popular online fast social networking through FB,line,WeChat, with the rapid development of the Internet, various social software and tools have emerged. The more they are used and popularized in daily life, the more people rely on these software in social interactions, and the more things and people they get to know and come into contact with. Things can be classified, and social interactions can also be divided to a certain extent. Regardless of industry, workplace, outlook on life, interests, etc., they will form their own circles.

Different circles have different values. Being close to the outstanding circles in this industry can become a kind of motivation. When outstanding people gather together, a huge magnetic field will be generated, attracting other people to join and connect.

The value of a circle is not driven entirely by outstanding people, but by people who are close to the circle. How big the magnetic field of the circle is, how many people it can influence, how many people identify with the circle, and how powerful the circle is. value.

When most people resonate at the same frequency and let their individual excellence empower and inspire each other, then everyone in the circle will gain value.

2024年10月3日 星期四

Go Green, Be healthy, Be positive ,Be honest

GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:

 GCIOSGF所做的,依專業分組討論共修,提升專業素養,道德修養,崇賞正向良善,關心社會綠能環保議題。推廣蔬食,節能減碳. What GCIOSGF does is to discuss and practice together in groups according to majors, improve professional quality, moral cultivation, appreciate and advocate the positive kindness, and care about social green energy and environmental protection issues. Promote vegetarian food, save energy and reduce carbon. Go green, be healthy, be honest.

2024年9月28日 星期六

General Meeting Of GCIOSGF

 GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊

general meeting  Of GCIOSGF

Host  WP

Edit: OF

Place : Xinyi Road 


一年工作報告,積極響應政府號召,推動節能減排,鼓勵會員力求創新及個人各項能力再提升,積極參與月例會,週例會的聯誼進修和總會時尚蔬食薈的每月蔬食一次救地球的蔬食餐會活動。籌措啟動永續監管推廣環境保護聯盟。也希望幹部會員們集思廣益,將活動辦的更精彩多元。2024 work report, actively respond to the government‘s call to promote energy conservation and emission reduction, encourage members to strive for innovation and further improve our personal abilities, actively participate in our monthly meetings, weekly meetings for friendship and lifting our all kinds of the abilities. Also welcome to attend the monthly vegetarian meal event of Fashion Veggie Club of GCIOSGF  to save the earth by eating vegetables once a month. Try to launch to start the Sustainable Supervision and Promotion Environmental Protection Alliance. I also hope that the cadres and members can brainstorm ideas to make the event more exciting and diverse.

2024年9月20日 星期五


德文(German),Guten Tag,(顧得打嗝),ㄍㄨ,ㄊㄧㄢ,ㄊㄟˋ,ㄍㄜˋ
印度(Indian),Sathsariakl,(傻傻的漱口),ㄙㄚ,ㄙ,ㄟ,ㄌ一,ㄎㄡˋ <--- 印度學弟說這個他看不懂 XD
義大利(Italian),Buon giorno,(不翁救乳酪),ㄅㄨ,ㄨㄥ,ㄐㄧ,ㄡ,ㄋㄡ
西藏(Tibetan),Tashi delek,(打希特勒),ㄉㄚ,ㄒㄩ,ㄉㄜ,ㄌㄟ
韓文(Korean),안녕하세요(An nyeong ha se yo),(ㄚ你ㄚ誰優),ㄚ,ㄋㄧ,ㄚ,ㄕㄟ,ㄧㄡ
巴里島(Bali),Selamat pagi,(私拉媽爸機),ㄙ,ㄌㄚ,ㄇㄚ,ㄅㄚ,ㄐㄧ

2024年7月30日 星期二





感謝THE ONE 潘總提供活動地點和茶點給GCIOSGF總會長讓南台灣時尚蔬食薈辦月例會講座和聯誼活動


2024年7月21日 星期日

How much CO₂ does the world emit? Which countries emit the most?

CO₂ emissions

How much CO₂ does the world emit? Which countries emit the most?

Carbon dioxide emissions are the primary driver of global climate change. It's widely recognized that to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, the world needs to urgently reduce emissions. But, how this responsibility is shared between regions, countries, and individuals has been an endless point of contention in international discussions.

This debate arises from the various ways in which emissions are compared: as annual emissions by country; emissions per person; historical contributions; and whether they adjust for traded goods and services. These metrics can tell very different stories.

We teamed up with the YouTube channel, Kurzgesagt, to produce a video that explored these different metrics in detail: ‘Who is responsible for climate change? – Who needs to fix it?’.

‘Who is responsible for climate change? – Who needs to fix it?’

We teamed up with the YouTube channel Kurzgesagt to make a video on comparisons of CO₂ emissions.

This page is just one in our collection of work on CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions where you can explore emissions of other greenhouse gases; where our emissions come from; what trajectories of future emissions look like; and what is driving emissions across the world.

You can also download our complete Our World in Data CO2and Greenhouse Gas Emissions database.

Other research and writing on CO₂ emissions on Our World in Data:

Global CO2 emissions from fossil fuels

How have global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) changed over time?

In this chart, we see the growth of global emissions from the mid-18th century through to today.

We see that before the Industrial Revolution, emissions were very low. Growth in emissions was still relatively slow until the mid-20th century. In 1950 the world emitted 6 billion tonnes of CO2. By 1990 this had almost quadrupled, reaching more than 20 billion tonnes. Emissions have continued to grow rapidly; we now emit over 35 billion tonnes each year. Emissions growth has slowed over the last few years, but they have yet to reach their peak.

1750202218001850190019500 t5 billion t10 billion t15 billion t20 billion t25 billion t30 billion t35 billion tWorld

Global CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and land use change

How have global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from fossil fuels and land use changed over time?

We see that while emissions from fossil fuels have increased, emissions from land use change have declined slightly in recent years. Overall, this means total emissions have roughly stabilized over the past decade.

1850202218801900192019401960198020000 t5 billion t10 billion t15 billion t20 billion t25 billion t30 billion t35 billion t40 billion tTotal (fossil fuels andland-use change)Fossil fuelsLand-use change

CO2 emissions by region

This interactive chart shows the breakdown of global CO2emissions by region. We see that until well into the 20th century, global emissions were dominated by Europe and the United States. In 1900, more than 90% of emissions were produced in Europe or the US; even by 1950, they accounted for more than 85% of emissions each year. But in recent decades this has changed significantly. In the second half of the 20th century, we see a significant rise in emissions in the rest of the world, particularly across Asia, and most notably, China. The US and Europe now account for less than one-third of emissions.

1850190019500 t5 billion t10 billion t15 billion t20 billion t25 billion t30 billion t35 billion tInternationalaviationInternationalshippingOceaniaAsia (excl. Chinaand India)ChinaIndiaAfricaSouth AmericaNorth America(excl. USA)United StatesEuropean Union(27)Europe (excl.EU-27)

Where in the world does the average person emit the most carbon dioxide (CO2) each year?

We can calculate the contribution of the average citizen of each country by dividing its total emissions by its population. This gives us CO2 emissions per capita. In the visualization, we see the differences in per capita emissions across the world.

Here we look at production-based emissions – that is, emissions produced within a country’s boundaries without accounting for how goods are traded across the world. In our post on consumption-based emissions, we look at how these figures change when we account for trade. Production figures matter – these are the numbers that are taken into account for climate targets and thanks to historical reconstructions they have been available for the entire world since the mid-18th century.

Per capita CO₂ emissions, 2022

Carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions from fossil fuels and industry. Land-use change is not included.

No data0 t0.1 t0.2 t0.5 t1 t2 t5 t10 t20 t

There are very large inequalities in per capita emissions across the world.

The world’s largest per capita CO2 emitters are the major oil-producing countries; this is particularly true for those with relatively low population size. Most are in the Middle East and include Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Kuwait.

However, many of the major oil producers have a relatively small population meaning their total annual emissions are low. More populous countries with some of the highest per capita emissions – and therefore high total emissions – are the United States, Australia, and Canada which on average have emissions that are around 3 times higher than the global average.

Since there is such a strong relationship between income and per capita CO2 emissions, we’d expect this to be the case: countries with high standards of living would have a high carbon footprint. But what becomes clear is that there can be large differences in per capita emissions, even between countries with similar standards of living. Many countries across Europe, for example, have much lower emissions than the US, Canada, or Australia.

In fact, some European countries have emissions not far from the global average, including Portugal, France, and the UK. This is also much lower than some of their neighbors with similar standards of living, such as Germany, the Netherlands, or Belgium. The choice of energy sources plays a key role here: in the UK, Portugal, and France, a much higher share of electricity is produced from nuclear and renewable sources – you can explore this electricity mix by country here. While approximately half of Germany's electricity is derived from fossil fuels, the percentage in France is markedly lower.

Prosperity is a primary driver of CO2 emissions, but clearly, policy and technological choices make a difference.

Many countries in the world still have very low per capita CO2 emissions. In many of the poorest countries in Sub-Saharan Africa – such as Chad, Niger, and the Central African Republic – the average footprint is around 0.1 tonnes per year. That’s around 150 times lower than the USA, Australia, and Canada. The average American or Australian produces the same amount of emissions in under two days as the average person in Mali or Niger does in an entire year.

Annual CO2 emissions

Who emits the most CO2 each year? In the following visualization, we show annual CO2 emissions aggregated by region, with a special focus on the leading emitters including India, China, and the United States. The emissions shown here relate to where CO2 is produced (i.e., production-based CO2), not where the goods and services that generate emissions are finally consumed. We look at the difference in each country’s production vs. consumption (trade-adjusted) emissions here.

Asia is by far the largest emitter, accounting for around half of global emissions. As it is home to almost 60% of the world’s population this means that per capita emissions in Asia are slightly lower than the world average, however.

China is, by a significant margin, Asia’s and the world’s largest emitter: it emits more than one-quarter of global emissions.

North America – dominated by the USA – is the second largest regional emitter at one-fourth of global emissions and it’s followed closely by Europe. Here we have grouped the countries in the European Union since they typically negotiate and set targets as a collective body. You can see the data for individual EU countries in the interactive maps that follow.

Africa and South America are both fairly small emitters: accounting for 3-4% of global emissions each. Both have emissions similar in size to international aviation and shipping combined. Aviation and shipping are not included in national or regional emissions. This is because of disagreement over how emissions that cross country borders should be allocated: do they belong to the country of departure or country of origin? How are connecting flights accounted for? The tensions in reaching international aviation and shipping deals are discussed in detail in the Carbon Brief here.

1750202218001850190019500%20%40%60%80%100%InternationalaviationInternationalshippingOceaniaAsia (excl. Chinaand India)ChinaIndiaAfricaSouth AmericaNorth America(excl. USA)United StatesEuropean Union(27)Europe (excl.EU-27)

The same data is also explorable by country and over time in the interactive map.

By clicking on any country you can see how its annual emissions have changed, and compare it with other countries.

Annual CO₂ emissions

Carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions from fossil fuels and industry. Land-use change is not included.

1750202218001850190019500 t2 billion t4 billion t6 billion t8 billion t10 billion tChinaUnited StatesIndiaGermanyBrazilUnited KingdomFrance

In the interactive chart, you can explore each country’s shareof global emissions. Using the timeline at the bottom of the map, you can see how the global distribution has changed since 1750. By clicking on any country you can see its evolution and compare it with others.

The distribution of emissions has changed significantly over time. The UK was – until 1888 when it was overtaken by the US – the world’s largest emitter. This was because the UK was the first country to industrialize, a transition that later contributed to massive improvements in living standards for much of its population.

Whilst rising CO2 emissions have clear negative environmental consequences, it is also true that they have historically been a by-product of positive improvements in human living conditions. But, it’s also true that reducing CO2emissions is important to protect the living conditions of future generations. This perspective – that we must consider both the environmental and human welfare implications of emissions – is important if we are to build a future that is both sustainable and provides high standards of living for everyone.

Rising emissions and living standards in North America and Oceania followed soon after developments in the UK.

Many of the world’s largest emitters today are in Asia. However, Asia’s rapid rise in emissions has only occurred in very recent decades. This too has been a by-product of massive improvements in living standards: since 1950 life expectancy in Asia has increased by more than 30 years, it has seen a dramatic fall in extreme poverty; and for the first time, most of its population received formal education.

Whilst all countries must work collectively, action from the very top emitters will be essential. China, the USA, and the 28 countries of the EU account for more than half of global emissions. Without a commitment from these largest emitters, the world will not come close to meeting its global

202218001850190019500%20%40%60%80%100%ChinaUnited StatesIndiaEuropean Union (27)CanadaBrazilSouth AfricaUnited Kingdom

This interactive chart shows the year-on-year growth rate of CO2 emissions.

A positive figure in a given year indicates that emissions were higher than the previous year. A negative figure indicates they were lower than the year before. For example, a change of 1.5% indicates that global emissions were 1.5% higher than the previous year (–1.5% would mean they were 1.5% lower).

This measure allows us to see firstly where emissions are rising, and where they are falling; and secondly, the rate at which emissions are changing – whether the growth in emissions is slowing down orders.

Carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions from fossil fuels and industry. Land-use change is not included.

No data-10%-5%-2%-1%0%1%2%5%10%

Absolute annual change in CO₂ emissions

What is the absolute (as opposed to the percentage) change in CO₂ emissions from year to year?

Cumulative CO2 emissions

Since 1751 the world has emitted over 1.5 trillion tonnes of CO2. To reach our climate goal of limiting average temperature rise to 2°C, the world needs to urgently reduce emissions. One common argument is that those countries that have added most to the CO2 in our atmosphere – contributing most to the problem today – should take on the greatest responsibility in tackling it.

We can compare each country’s total contribution to global emissions by looking at cumulative CO2. We can calculate cumulative emissions by adding up each country’s annual CO2 emissions over time. We did this calculation for each region and the largest COemitters over the period from 1751 through to 2017.

There are some key points we can learn from this perspective:

  • The United States has emitted more CO2 than any other country to date: at around 400 billion tonnes since 1751, it is responsible for almost one-quarter of historical emissions;
  • This exceeds the contribution of China, the world's second-largest national contributor, by more than 1.5 times;
  • The countries of the European Union – which are grouped together here as they typically negotiate are set targets on a collaborative basis – are also a large historical contributor at almost a fifth of all emissions;
  • Many of the large annual emitters today – such as India and Brazil – are not large contributors in a historical context;
  • Africa’s regional contribution – relative to its population size – has been very small. This is the result of very low per capita emissions – both historically and currently.
  • Cumulative CO₂ emissions by world region

Cumulative carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions by region from the year 1750 onwards. This measuresCO₂ emissions from fossil fuels and industry only – land-use change is not included.

1750202218001850190019500 t200 billion t400 billion t600 billion t800 billion t1 trillion t1.2 trillion t1.4 trillion t1.6 trillion tChinaIndiaAfricaOceaniaSouth AmericaNorth America(excl. USA)Asia (excl. Chinaand India)United StatesEuropean Union(27)Europe (excl.EU-27)

All of this data is also explorable by country and over time in the interactive map. By clicking on any country you can see the country’s cumulative emissions over time, and compare it with other countries.

Cumulative CO₂ emissions

Running sum of CO₂ emissions produced from fossil fuels and industry since the first year ofrecording, measured in tonnes. Land-use change is not included.

1750202218001850190019500 t100 billion t200 billion t300 billion t400 billion tUnited StatesEuropean Union (27)ChinaUnited KingdomIndiaCanadaSouth AfricaBrazil

How has each region’s share of global cumulative CO2 emissions changed over time?

In the paragraph above we focused on each country or region’s total cumulative emissions in absolute terms.

In the following chart, we see the change in the share of global cumulative emissions by region over time from 1751.

Up until 1950, more than half of historical CO2 emissions were emitted by Europe. The vast majority of European emissions back then were emitted by the United Kingdom; as the data shows, until 1882 more than half of the world’s cumulative emissions came from the UK alone.

Over the century that followed, industrialization in the USA rapidly increased its contribution.

It’s only over the past 50 years that growth in South America, Asia, and Africa has increased these regions’ share of total contribution.

Cumulative CO₂ emissions by world region

Cumulative carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions by region from the year 1750 onwards. This measuresCO₂ emissions from fossil fuels and industry only – land-use change is not included.

1750202218001850190019500%20%40%60%80%100%ChinaIndiaAfricaOceaniaSouth AmericaNorth America(excl. USA)Asia (excl. Chinaand India)United StatesEuropean Union(27)Europe (excl.EU-27)

How has each country’s share of global cumulative CO2 emissions changed over time?

In the final visualization you can explore the same cumulative CO2 emissions as you have seen above but now split by country. Using the timeline at the bottom of the chart you can see how contribution across the world has evolved since 1751. By clicking on a country you can see an individual country’s cumulative contribution over time.

The map shows large inequalities of contribution across the world. The USA has emitted the most to date: around a quarter of all historical CO2: twice that of China which is the second largest contributor. In contrast, most countries across Africa have been responsible for less than 0.02% of all emissions since 1750.

What becomes clear when we look at emissions across the world today is that the countries with the highest emissions over history are not always the biggest emitters today. The UK, for example, is now responsible for less than 1% of global emissions. Reductions here will have a relatively small impact on emissions at the global level – or at least fall far short of the scale of change we need. This creates tension with the argument that the largest contributors in the past should be those doing the most to reduce emissions today. This is because a large fraction of CO2 remains in the atmosphere for hundreds of years once emitted.

This inequality is one of the main reasons that makes international agreement on who should take action so challenge.

1750202218001850190019500%20%40%60%80%100%United StatesEuropean Union (27)ChinaUnited KingdomIndia

How do we measure or estimate CO2 emissions?

Historical fossil fuel CO2 emissions can be reconstructed back to 1751 based on energy statistics. These reconstructions detail the production quantities of various forms of fossil fuels (coal, brown coal, peat, and crude oil), which when combined with trade data on imports and exports, allow for national-level reconstructions of fossil fuel production and resultant CO2 emissions. More recent energy statistics are sourced from the UN Statistical Office, which compiles data from official national statistical publications and annual questionnaires. Data on cement production and gas flaring can also be sourced from UN data, supplemented by data from the US Department of Interior Geological Survey (USGS) and the US Department of Energy Information Administration. A full description of data acquisition and original sources can be found at the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC).

As an example: how do we estimate Canada's COemissions in 1900? Let's look at the steps involved in this estimation.

  • Step 1: we gather industrial data on how much coal, brown coal, peat, and crude oil Canada extracted in 1900. This tells us how much energy it could produce if it used all of this domestically.
  • Step 2: we cannot assume that Canada only used fuels produced domestically—it might have imported some fuel, or exported it elsewhere. To find out how much Canada actually burned domestically, we therefore have to correct for this trade. If we take its domestic production (account for any fuel it stores as stocks), add any fuel it imported, and subtract any fuel it exported, we have an estimate of its net consumption in 1900. In other words, if we calculate: Coal extraction − Coal exported + Coal imported − Coal stored as stocks, we can estimate the amount of coal Canada burned in 1900.
  • Step 3: converting energy produced to CO2 emissions. we know, based on the quality of coal, its carbon content, and how much CO2 would be emitted for every kilogram burned (i.e. its emission factor). Multiplying the quantity of coal burned by its emission factor, we can estimate Canada's CO2 emissions from coal in 1900.
  • Step 4: by doing this calculation for all fuel types, we can calculate Canada's total emissions in 1900.

Providing good estimates of  CO2 emissions requires reliable and extensive coverage of domestic and traded energy—the international framework and monitoring of this reporting have significantly improved through time. For this reason, our understanding of emissions in the late 20th and 21st centuries is more reliable than our long-term reconstructions. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) provides clear guidelines on methodologies and best practices for measuring and monitoring CO2 estimates at the national level.

There are two key ways uncertainties can be introduced: the reporting of energy consumption, and the assumption of emissions factors (i.e. the carbon content) used for fuel burning. Since energy consumption is strongly related to economic and trade figures (which are typically monitored closely), uncertainties are typically low for energy reporting. Uncertainty can be introduced in the assumptions nations make on the correct CO2 emission factor for certain fuel types.

Country size and the level of uncertainty in these calculations have a significant influence on the inaccuracy of our global emissions figures. In the most extreme example to date, Lui et al. (2015) revealed that China overestimated its annual emissions in 2013 by using global average emission factors, rather than specific figures for the carbon content of its domestic coal supply.

As the world's largest CO2 emitter, this inaccuracy had a significant impact on global emissions estimates, resulting in a 10% overestimation. More typically, uncertainty in global CO2 emissions ranges between 2-5%.


What is a cliquish social circle ?

GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊: Merry Reading Time  Host : WP  Edit : OF   What is a circle , cliquish social circle ? In short, it is derived from t...