2025年3月5日 星期三

Merry Reading Time閱讀匯

 GCIOSGF Newsletter會訊:


Edit: OF


戰爭的受害者永遠是老百姓 —— 所以孫子兵法寫道:「孫子曰:凡是用兵之法,全國為上,破國次之,全軍為上,破軍次之,全旅為上,破旅次之,全卒為上,破卒次之,全伍為上,破伍次之。是故百戰百勝,非善之善者也。不戰而屈人之兵,善之善者也。“可以說,孫子兵法是最早把人文主義內嵌到兵法裡的兵書。從這一點,就代表中國人比歐洲人早進入文明社會。戰爭的受害者永遠是老百姓 —— 尤其窮人家的孩子。例如烏克蘭戰爭,權貴和富人子弟可以免兵役,甚至去巴黎旅遊。但是,窮人孩子在街上或家裡隨時被抓壯丁。

大家在之前也已經指出,烏克蘭戰爭是美國二戰後地緣政策的延續,美國在二戰後就開始扶持烏克蘭納粹黨,為了對付蘇聯;它是2014年美國策劃的廣場顏色革命的延續:美國當時推翻了親俄烏克蘭政府,扶持親美反俄派上台。事實上,戰爭從2014年已經拉開序幕:烏克蘭國防軍和右翼納粹黨,例如亞速營組成的軍隊,從2014年開始屠殺東烏克蘭的俄族百姓。不了解的朋友可以看一下法國記者Anne Laure Bonnel的紀錄片《Donbass》,和另一位記者Paul Moreira 的《Ukraine: Les masques de la révolution (2016)》。這兩部電影全部被美國施加壓力在歐洲禁演,但在Youtube上可以找到。

很多人不了解歷史,在美國超人敘事的洗腦下,斷章取義,為美國做嫁衣;或者混淆歷史上的領土爭端和民族情緒,實際上犯了刻舟求劍的錯誤,忽略眼前的地緣失衡格局。美國如果把俄羅斯拖垮,那麼下一個美國的敵人將是中國 —— 這已經寫在美國國防白皮書上。有幸的是,中國被列為終極敵人,俄羅斯只被定義為短期障礙。能讓美國這麼看得起,中國也得說一聲謝謝。言歸正傳,為什麼這麼多人害怕俄烏和平?大家一起來看看哪些人害怕:美國DeepState,英國:一旦停戰,歐洲將走向統一,甚至與俄羅斯修復關係,歐洲製造業將會逐步復活。俄羅斯不被拖垮,他們也就無法完成圍剿CN的戰略美國軍火商美國能源商美聯儲:減少戰爭的歐洲 = 歐元重新崛起,與美元競爭。小澤: 民主黨可能會對他卸磨殺驢;國內反對派,包括他撤銷的軍方負責人(因為是總統競爭者,民意比他高,所以被撤職),老百姓對他貪污和把百姓填入戰爭機器恨之入骨。所以大家認為,昨天他大概率是故意演戲,激怒Trump —— 因為這樣不簽賣國條約,搖身一變成民族英雄,無論是否停戰,民怨會大幅減輕。波蘭,波羅的海的海三傻,已經為美國交了投名狀歐洲白左,類似波蘭,波羅的海三傻印度:可能再也買不到便宜能源了

對大家來說,烏克蘭人,俄羅斯人,美國人,歐洲人,中國人等所有的人他們都是人,尤其老百姓。所有人的生命都是平等的。在二十一世紀,親眼目睹直播戰爭,看著兩邊的老百姓死亡,如果我們單純從意識形態或Z/Z利益選邊站,這是作為人類的恥辱。 TikTok難民發文,兩邊老百姓對賬,具非常重要的意義 —— 人民之間第一次廣泛直接對話,揭穿美國政客的虛偽。很早就有人說過,如中國的外交能與美國,歐洲老百姓交心,可以不戰而屈人之兵。人民也希望烏克蘭和俄羅斯老百姓可以直接對話,對賬,不再受政客的矇騙。普遍認為,想要為烏克蘭尋求一條長期和平的出路,必須基於人文主義和地緣平衡來尋求出路。烏克蘭宣布永不加入北約,永遠不協助北約東擴,包括向亞太擴張- 烏克蘭的親美右翼之前已經宣布,願意配合美國攻打BJ;歐洲,俄羅斯,中國任主導烏克蘭和平見證人,與美國達成以上協議;歐洲-俄羅斯,中-歐,中-俄之間增加互信和貿易合作 ——烏克蘭戰爭,從本質上是一場美國民主黨操縱的代理人戰爭。它是由這幾大國家的地緣關係決定的。烏克蘭政府和人民都是棋子而已。這幾大國家形成地緣平衡,才能永久免除烏克蘭戰爭的危機。烏克蘭加入歐盟,恢復經濟。烏克蘭需要去右翼,去納粹化,與俄羅斯增加民間交流和貿易。中越戰爭世仇都可以一笑泯恩仇,烏克蘭和俄羅斯族本來就是一家人。這次戰爭的文化根源就是烏克蘭右翼為了向北約納投名狀,從文化上,經濟上與俄羅斯脫鉤,甚至篡改歷史。這種套路大家都見過 —— 現在大家都知道誰是操盤手了。



2025年3月3日 星期一


GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:

Apple plans to open a new factory for AI servers in Texas as part of a $500 billio n investment in the U.S., the company said Monday.

The U.S. technology giant said it would work with partners to launch a 250,000-square-foot server manufacturing facility in Houston to produce servers for Apple Intelligence, its AI personal assistant for iPhone, iPad and Mac computers.

The new factory, which is slated to begin operations in 2026, will form part of a major investment plan Apple is committing to over the next four years. In addition to the new Texas facility, Apple said it also plans to hire around 20,000 new employees across the U.S.

Most of the new hires will be focused on research and development, or R&D, silicon engineering, software development, and AI and machine learning, Apple said.

“We are bullish on the future of American innovation, and we’re proud to build on our long-standing U.S. investments with this $500 billion commitment to our country’s future,” Apple CEO Tim Cook said in a statement Monday.

The move comes after Apple’s chief executive met with President Donald Trump last week.

The iPhone maker faces pressure from the Trump administration over where it chooses to manufacture its products. Apple assembles most of its products in China.

Earlier this month, Trump signed an order imposing long-threatened 10% tariffs on Chinese goods on top of existing tariffs of up to 25% levied during his first presidency.

Apple said its $500 billion investment plan will include work with suppliers across the U.S. and production of content for its Apple TV+ media streaming service in 20 states, as well as new hires and research and development spending.

Apple said it “remains one of the largest U.S. taxpayers, having paid more than $75 billion in U.S. taxes over the past five years, including $19 billion in 2024 alone.”

The tech giant also said it would double its U.S. Advanced Manufacturing Fund to $10 billion from $5 billion currently, create a new manufacturing academy in Michigan, and grow its R&D investments in the U.S. to support cutting-edge fields such as silicon engineering.


 GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訓:

12 月 10 日,全球商業領袖與日本貿易振興機構 (JETRO) 成員齊聚紐約,共同探討當前全球狀況以及日本經濟和投資前景。該小組是每年為期兩天的路透社Next會議的一部分,該會議匯集了700多名企業高管、學者、政治家和著名思想領袖,共同探討一系列全球趨勢和問題。

與主持人德爾伊拉尼一起參加會議的還有日本貿易振興機構董事長兼執行長石黑則彥;固態鋰金屬電池領導者 QuantumScape 總裁兼執行長 Siva Sivaram 博士;奧黛麗‧查爾斯 (Audrey Charles),半導體產業尖端晶圓技術供應商泛林集團 (Lam Research) 企業策略資深副總裁;以及日本貿易振興機構創新部長中島武男。









在日本營運超過 30 年的泛林集團 (Lam Research) 的查爾斯 (Charles) 表示,人工智慧、智慧移動等技術變革將由半導體推動。

Lam Research 企業策略資深副總裁 Audrey Charles
Lam Research 企業策略資深副總裁 Audrey Charles

查爾斯說:“預計到 2030 年,半導體行業的需求將達到 1 兆美元。”


她在談到這家新的半導體製造商時補充道:“日本近年來取得的進步,包括像 Rapidus 這樣專注於兩奈米邏輯晶片的企業,確實令人興奮不已。” 「這是日本政府非常有力的支持聲明。雖然這種情況發生在多個地區,但真正值得注意的是我們的全球客戶的關注度和數量,他們在過去幾年中在日本開設了新晶圓廠、新業務,並深化了在該地區的合作夥伴關係。

QuantumScape 執行長 Sivaram 也對 Rapidus 表示讚賞,認為這是日本政府和私營部門支持該公司成為晶片領域領導者的承諾的標誌。

QuantumScape 總裁兼執行長 Siva Sivaram 博士
QuantumScape 總裁兼執行長 Siva Sivaram 博士


Sivaram 解釋了 QuantumScape 為何選擇京都作為其 2022 年地區基地,他指出,這是因為當地大學實力雄厚,並表示該地區“擁有大型舊電池製造基礎設施”,並補充道,“日本穩定的法規、雄厚的人才庫和強大的公私合作夥伴關係使其成為理想的投資環境。”

除了在該地區投資外,QuantumScape 還致力於幫助建立一個支持日本固態電池發展的強大生態系統。該公司最近在京都舉行的固態電池研討會召集了固態電池領域的領導者,討論固態電池技術在塑造日本及其他地區未來交通、能源儲存和更廣泛的電池產業方面的作用。


為了說明日本對外資日益增長的吸引力,日本​​貿易振興機構的中島分享了近期的增長數據:“在過去十年中,日本的外商直接投資從 1400 億美元飆升至 3400 億美元,增長了 2.5 倍。”


中島將此歸因於中美競爭等地緣政治因素,以及日本強大的基礎設施,並指出“美光已宣布投資超過 30 億美元,增加其廣島工廠的動態隨機存取存儲器 (DRAM) 產量”,這證明了跨國公司對日本的信心。


小組也探討了亞太地區及其他地區的更廣闊機遇,查爾斯指出,Lam Research 利用虛擬工具在印度培訓 60,000 名工程師的舉措就是科技業跨境性質的一個例子。


就電池而言,從印度巨大的兩輪車市場的電氣化到全球對主權數據中心的推動,一切都在推動該行業向前發展,Sivaram 評論道

他強調說:“我們需要下一代電池技術來滿足這些日益增長的需求。” “你無法用昨天的技術解決今天的問題。”








他說:“日本的穩定性、安全性和技術優勢再次獲得讚賞。” “投資日本,先跟日本貿易振興機構談。”

2025年3月1日 星期六

Merry Reading Time悦讀匯

GCIOSGF Newsletter會訊:

Host: WP

Edit: OF







增長見識。 “世界這麼大我要去看看”,網絡熱梗道出人們的心聲。除了遊山玩水,感受他鄉的風土人情,收集一路的動人故事,在不同文化的碰撞間增長見識、豐富閱歷,同樣是旅行的收穫。 「世界是一本書,而不旅行的人們只讀了其中的一頁。」旅行見聞讓我們眼中的世界更多樣化,也讓文字知識更具象。也許就是在旅途中的一瞬間,我們才能夠讀懂書本上那些少年時不曾理解的內容。








想必許多人和筆者有同感,常常發誓下次再也不出門了,可到了下一個假期,又會忘記之前的不順利不如意,又開始蠢蠢欲動。也許,旅行對我們許多人來說,就像人生一樣,不管怎樣吐槽,卻從來不曾放棄。 「人生如逆旅,我也是行人。」旅行與人生,其實有很多相通點。


世界之大而我之渺小。都說“旅行是偏見、偏執、狹隘的終結者”,沒有看過世界的人,總以為自己就是全世界,希望其他人按照自己的方式生活。而常在旅途中的人,見過不同的風土人情、人生百態、生活選擇,就會知道自己所了解的不過一時一地,知道世界之大而自我之渺小,也就會變得更加謙遜包容。 《東京八平米》的作者、日籍華語作家吉井忍一邊寫作,一邊在餐廳打工。 「孔乙己的長衫」並沒有套牢她,很大一部分原因是她去過許多地方、接觸過很多人,知道生活沒有既定的模式,因而心態更加從容。





 有個朋友,女孩,社交網路全是旅行。  彷彿她世界中只有風景,美照、美食和禮物。  突然有一天,她的社交網絡設定變了  ,她總是說,真的應該多走走多看看,  旅行會打開你的視野和見解。  後來她說,  所謂的青春沒有售價不過是一場資本騙局,  當金錢無法支撐這一切時,  所謂的視野和見識,  一刻間全部成了另一個詞,  那個詞叫——虛榮。  

青春沒有售價,  童年、中年、老年不值一提?  有一位哲人說過,  如果我們的旅行無法為自己和他人帶來實質的收穫,  那麼,卻與乞丐無異。  想想也是,旅行的人和流浪的乞丐又有何差別呢?  不過是富遊和窮遊罷了。  有一個說法很有趣:為什麼資本家熱衷於寫成功學書籍?不怕自己的經驗被對手學去嗎?  有人的回答是:因為那些“知識經驗”,不是給對手看的,而是給員工看的。你不“成功”,我怎麼成功?  十年前的成功學書籍很少提到「旅行」二字,  而近十年的成功學書籍中,  「不管有沒有錢,每年至少旅行一到兩次」 「旅行打開視野和格局」  「旅行幫助向上社交」    對於年輕人而言,這誘惑實在是太大了,  以前月光出去玩會被說不務正業,  貸款出去玩會被說敗家子。 「現在誰還敢說我?我這是上進!」  我曾經被某位朋友灌輸過「旅行=上進=打開視野=向上社交=有見識」的觀念,那段時間極其痛苦。  

後來去問了另外兩個朋友,  一位是因為工作,把全世界主要的國家都走遍了;  另一位是純粹的富二代,每天除了旅行還是旅行;  問他們,旅行真的能幫助提升這些嗎?  他們回答我說:  玩就是玩,真想提升自己,有這個時間和金錢,閱讀和學習是最快的。

2025年2月13日 星期四

悅讀匯Merry Reading Time

GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:



Host: WP

Edit: OF

Source from FT

The moment of which European capitals have long been afraid arrived yesterday evening, as US President Donald Trump, fresh off a 90-minute telephone call with Russia’s Vladimir Putin, announced he was starting bilateral peace talks with the Kremlin to end the war in Ukraine — leaving Europe out in the cold. Here, I attempt to capture the sense of deep trepidation caused by Trump’s announcement. And Laura reports on the collapse of coalition talks in Austria that many thought would bring the far right into power. Spectators “Nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine” has been Europe’s mantra for more than three years. When that was eviscerated last night with Donald Trump’s convivial peace talks invitation to Vladimir Putin, the penny dropped that Europe, too, had been sidelined. Context: European governments have long argued that they need to be part of any potential peace talks in order to ensure the continent’s long-term defence and security architecture and contain any future threat of aggression from Russia. “We each talked about the strengths of our respective nations, and the great benefit that we will some day have in working together,” Trump gushed about his chat with Putin, a man that most EU capitals view as a war criminal. Trump’s decision to begin bilateral negotiations with Moscow shatters any illusions that Brussels could play a role in shaping the outlines of any peace deal. To compound Europe’s sense of powerlessness, Trump later added that Saudi Arabia would be likely to play middleman. European officials, essentially kept in the dark about Trump’s Ukraine plans since his election, were clutching to the hope of using bilateral meetings in Munich today and tomorrow with Keith Kellogg, ostensibly the president’s official Ukraine envoy, to gather some insights and try to influence the White House. Those already far-fetched fantasies were wholly dashed when Trump didn’t even name Kellogg as one of his four-man negotiation team. Europe’s dread is two-fold. First, a fear of having to pay — through reconstruction funds, arms supplies and peacekeeping troops on the ground in Ukraine — to enforce an agreement they won’t have negotiated. Second, the worry that Trump may agree terms that ignore the continent’s broader security concerns, which Putin could exploit to bring future pressure against other countries. Those fears were fanned by Trump’s defence secretary Pete Hegseth insisting yesterday that Ukraine would never join Nato, that US troops would never be deployed there, and that restoring Ukraine’s lost territory was an “unrealistic objective”. “We want to discuss the way forward with our American allies,” France, Germany, Poland, Italy, Spain, the UK, Ukraine and the EU said in a joint statement issued following a meeting of foreign ministers in Paris last night. “Ukraine and Europe must be involved in any negotiations,” they added, in hope rather than expectation. Spokespeople for European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen and Nato secretary-general Mark Rutte declined to comment when asked for their response to Trump’s announcement. Chart du jour: Surge European stocks ticked up yesterday on hopes of a Ukraine peace deal, continuing this year’s upward trend. The Russian rouble also jumped. Sigh of relief The European Council won’t add another far-right leader to its table for now, as coalition talks in Austria led by the Freedom Party under Herbert Kickl have fallen apart, writes Laura Dubois. Context: The far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) and the conservative People’s party (ÖVP) entered negotiations in January, following mainstream parties’ failure to form a cordon sanitaire against the FPÖ, which had come first in September elections. But FPÖ leader Kickl handed his mandate to form a government back to President Alexander Van der Bellen yesterday. In a letter to the president, he said discussions on the division of government portfolios “were not successful”. Kickl, known for his pro-Russian views, had demanded his party lead the interior ministry — something that was unacceptable for his prospective government partners for security reasons. “We received numerous warnings from within the country and from abroad that the co-operation of intelligence services would be in danger if the Freedom party were to appoint the interior minister,” said ÖVP leader Christian Stocker. The FPÖ controlled the interior ministry between 2017 and 2019, when it was the junior partner in a coalition with the ÖVP under Sebastian Kurz. At that time, most allied foreign intelligence agencies stopped co-operation with Austria as a result. That government later collapsed after the party’s leadership was filmed soliciting political favours from a fake Russian oligarch’s niece they believed had the backing of Vladimir Putin. With those credentials, officials in Europe will be breathing a sigh of relief that Kickl won’t be the next Austrian chancellor after all — for now. If new elections were held, the FPÖ would be expected to increase its share of the vote, something Kickl might have been banking on. Van der Bellen yesterday urged the mainstream parties to find a compromise and said he would assess the best way forward over the coming days.

2025年1月4日 星期六


GCIOSGF Newsletter會訊
Edit: OF

 科學管理之父泰勒先後留學法國、德國及義大利,爾後受僱於米維利鋼鐵公司(Mivale Steel Company),歷經工人、書記、機械師、領班、製圖主任、總工程師等職務,經驗至為豐富。由於他對公司員工的浪費及無效率甚為注意,故他以在企業機構各級工作所吸取的經驗,發展出其著名的〔科學管理原理〕(Principles of Scientific Management)。一九一一年輯印出版後,奠定其在科學管理學派的領導地位,並為行政理論化樹立了不朽的根基。其被譽為科學管理運動之父,實至名歸。

  根據韋勒斯(R. Villers)和謝文全的看法,泰勒的行政理論,主要由下列六個原則所構成:
  1.動作研究原則(motion study principle):以科學的方法,對工作時人體各部位的動作詳加分析研究,以達到三個目的:(1)找出最好的工作方法;(2)發現完成工作的最有效標準工具、設備與環境;(3)根據動作研究結果,來安置適合擔任某項工作的人選,使人事相適。
  2.時間研究原則(time study principle):以科學的方法,測量完成某項工作所需的標準時間,以達到二個目的:(1)確定工作的合理時間,明定合理化的績效標準,使成員不敢偷懶,藉以提高工作效率;(2)訂定作業標準時間,以決定合理的薪資及獎金。
  3.按件計酬原則(piece rate principle):成員的報酬,應根據其個人工作績效來決定;而不應根據工作時間的長短及其所屬團體的工作量來訂定。如果個人的工作績效超出預定的標準,則可獲得獎金。追求經濟報酬,是人們從事工作的最大動因。
  4.計畫與執行分離原則(separation of planning from performance principle):計畫的工作交由行政管理人員負責,而基層員工只負責執行的任務即可。這種專業分工制度,可以提高工作績效。
  5.功能管理原則(functional management principle):將行政管理工作,依其功能的不同分為若干部分,每部分由一位專家負責管理,因此一位成員可能會同時接受若干位上司的指導,而非只受命於一位長官而已。
  6.管理人員專業化原則(managerial control principle):行政人員應受專業訓練,熟悉使用科學的管理方法。
  泰勒的科學管理理論,深深影響了教育行政工作。例如教育學者巴比特(F. Bobbitt)便認為欲提高行政效能,務須利用科學管理之經濟、秩序、服從、一致性等原則,以確立學校「產出」的理想標準,明訂學校「生產」的方法,訂定教師(生產者)必具的資格條件,並且提供教師明細的工作準則,包括應完成的工作,應達到的標準及其應採行的方法。教師的唯一主要任務,即在利用標準的方法,以產出標準的結果。除此之外,漢生(E. Mark Hanson)亦曾以下表,說明科學管理原則對學校的影響。

2024年11月30日 星期六

The truth is indeed in the hands of a few, how to define?

GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:
Merry Reading Time,
Host: WP 
Edit: OF

Discussing "Who holds the truth?"


1,the story of the woman of the highest IQ in the world
This woman holds the highest recorded IQ ever: an astonishing 228. Far surpassing Einstein (160-190), Hawking (160), and Musk (155). Yet, despite her brilliance, she faced ridicule for her response to a seemingly simple problem.
But she saw what no one else could.
Here’s her story:
Marilyn Vos Savant was far from an ordinary child.
By the age of 10, she had:
• Memorized entire books
• Read all 24 volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica
• Achieved the highest recorded IQ of 228
She seemed destined for a life of genius.
But reality took a different turn.
“No one paid much attention to me—mostly because I was a girl. And I accepted that,” Marilyn Vos Savant once said.
She attended a regular public school, left Washington University after two years to help run her parents' business, and seemed destined for an ordinary life.
But in 1985, everything changed.
The Guinness Book of World Records listed her as having the "Highest IQ" ever recorded: 228.
Suddenly, Marilyn was thrust into the spotlight:
• Featured on the covers of New York Magazine and Parade Magazine
• Guest on Late Night with David Letterman
But she couldn’t have anticipated what lay ahead.
The Rise and the Question
Marilyn joined Parade Magazine to write the iconic "Ask Marilyn" column—a dream for someone with a passion for writing.
Yet, this dream turned into a nightmare with a single question in September 1990.
The Monty Hall Problem
Named after Monty Hall, the host of Let’s Make a Deal, the question went like this:
You’re on a game show.
There are 3 doors.
• 1 door hides a car.
• The other 2 hide goats.
You choose a door. The host opens another door, revealing a goat.
Should you switch doors?
Marilyn’s answer: “Yes, you should switch.”
The backlash was overwhelming. She received over 10,000 letters, including nearly 1,000 from PhDs, insisting she was wrong:
• “You are the goat!”
• “You blew it, and you blew it big!”
• “Maybe women look at math problems differently than men.”
But was she wrong?
The Math Behind the Answer
Consider the two possible scenarios:
You pick the car (1/3 chance):
• If you switch, you lose.
You pick a goat (2/3 chance):
• Monty reveals the other goat.
• If you switch, you win.
Switching gives you a 2/3 chance of winning.
Eventually, her answer was proven correct.
MIT ran computer simulations confirming her logic.
MythBusters tested it and reached the same conclusion.
Some academics even apologized.
So why did so many fail to see the truth?
The Reasons People Got It Wrong
• They "reset" the scenario instead of recognizing the shifting probabilities.
• The simplicity of 3 doors obscured the underlying math.
• Many assumed each remaining door had a 50% chance.
Marilyn’s View
Marilyn blamed the compulsory schooling system for discouraging independent thinking. She argued that it:
• Creates passive learners
• Stifles exploration
• Hinders critical thinking
A Blessing and a Burden
Marilyn admits that her intellect often feels isolating—there’s no one to turn to when she needs answers.
Still, she sees her intelligence as a gift, not a curse.
2, 其它觀點:
真理往往在少數人手中是一句名言,應該也是一句老生常談的真理,因為柏拉圖就說過類似的話:真理可能在少數人手上。 這兩句話裡都有副詞往往和可能,而不是直接地說真理在少數人手裡,因而這個說法是對的。但引用這句話的人一定是在需要引用的時候引用的,其真實的意思卻往往是把原話裡的往往或可能的語法意義去掉,強調了真理就是在少數人手裡,這就不對了。 那麼真理從理論上和事實上有沒有可能真在少數人手中呢?其實這裡的真理有兩個意思,一是理論上的真理,比如看不見的手、引力定律、相對論等這些帶有普遍性、本質性、規律性的真理性的學說,不但可能而且必然在少數人手裡,因為一般人的認識不可能這麼專業;二是事實性的真理,也就是對一般的現實和狀況的觀點正確,這就兩說。這樣的真理有可能在少數人手裡,更大的可能在多數手中。這樣的真理往往不只一個,立足點和眼界不同,觀點就不一樣,但結果有可能是一樣的。條條大路通羅馬。 雖然如此,事實性的真理往往還是到了少數人手中,一是確實有少數人的認識能力超強,深刻周全,二是少數人影響大,多數人不會獨立思考,三是少數人掌握了權力,權力取代真理,如封建帝王的金口獨斷,四是多數人的觀點往往沒有驗證的機會,沒有機會和少數人的觀點作正誤對比,只剩下少數人的觀點獨擅勝場,即使出現偏頗,也是正確的偏頗。 在事實性真理方面還是多數人的觀點正確,上萬年的人類文明史的道路發展到現在即使出現過意大利、德國、日本的法西斯毒瘤也很快糾正了過來,絕大多數國家和地區不論先進或落後基本上都還在同一個發展道路上,並沒有成功的獨闢蹊徑。這說明多數人的選擇是正確的。 在各種關於事實性的事物投票方面都是多數為勝,少數服從多數。 近年來還出現過一些翻案事件,例如給商紂王、秦始皇、曹操、隋煬帝翻案,其實對他們的定案都是絕大多數人的觀點,而且經過上千年的歷史沉澱,定錯案的可能性極小,不適合用真理往往在少數人手中的觀點。 真理往往在少數人手裡這句話的實際操作是有副作用的,那就是它有利於少數人養成獨斷專行剛愎自用的習性,使本來具有一定真理性的說法蒙上了更多荒謬的陰影。

2024年11月16日 星期六

These are the tips people follow you!

 GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:
Host: WP 
Edit: OF
Today’s merry reading time, we have discussed these issues. And each had their own opinions.
We think everyone will set their own unique style in their jobs and lives .
See you all next time.

2024年11月11日 星期一

The BRICS Summit Should Mark the End of Neocon Delusions COPY FROM EMAIL

The BRICS Summit Should Mark the End of Neocon Delusions

Jeffrey D. Sachs   |   November 2, 2024   |   Common Dreams

Simply put, the majority of the world does not want or accept U.S. hegemony, and is prepared to face it down rather than submit to its dictates.

The recent BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia should mark the end of the Neocon delusions encapsulated in the subtitle of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s 1997 book, The Global ChessboardAmerican Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives. Since the 1990s, the goal of American foreign policy has been “primacy,” aka global hegemony. The U.S. methods of choice have been wars, regime change operations, and unilateral coercive measures (economic sanctions). Kazan brought together 35 countries with more than half the world population that reject the U.S. bullying and that are not cowed by U.S. claims of hegemony.

In the Kazan Declaration, the countries underscored “the emergence of new centres of power, policy decision-making and economic growth, which can pave the way for a more equitable, just, democratic and balanced multipolar world order.” They emphasized "the need to adapt the current architecture of international relations to better reflect the contemporary realities,” while declaring their “commitment to multilateralism and upholding the international law, including the Purposes and Principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations (UN) as its indispensable cornerstone.” They took particular aim at the sanctions imposed by the U.S. and its allies, holding that “Such measures undermine the UN Charter, the multilateral trading system, the sustainable development and environmental agreements.”

The neocon quest for global hegemony has deep historical roots in America’s belief in its exceptionalism. In 1630, John Winthrop invoked the Gospels in describing the Massachusetts Bay Colony as a “City on the Hill,” declaring grandiosely that “The eyes of all people are upon us.” In the 19th century, America was guided by Manifest Destiny, to conquer North America by displacing or exterminating the native peoples. In the course of World War II, Americans embraced the idea of the “American Century,” that after the war the U.S. would lead the world.

The U.S. delusions of grandeur were supercharged with the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991. With America’s Cold War nemesis gone, the ascendant American neoconservatives conceived of a new world order in which the U.S. was the sole superpower and the policeman of the world. Their foreign policy instruments of choice were wars and regime-change operations to overthrow governments they disliked.

Following 9/11, the neocons planned to overthrow seven governments in the Islamic world, starting with Iraq, and then moving on to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. According to Wesley Clark, former Supreme Commander of NATO, the neocons expected the U.S. to prevail in these wars in 5 years. Yet now, more than 20 years on, the neocon-instigated wars continue while the U.S. has achieved absolutely none of its hegemonic objectives.

The neocons reasoned back in the 1990s that no country or group of countries would ever dare to stand up to U.S. power. Brzezinski, for example, argued in The Grand Chessboard that Russia would have no choice but to submit to the U.S.-led expansion of NATO and the geopolitical dictates of the U.S. and Europe, since there was no realistic prospect of Russia successfully forming an anti-hegemonic coalition with China, Iran and others. As Brzezinski put it:

“Russia’s only real geostrategic option—the option that could give Russia a realistic international role and also maximize the opportunity of transforming and socially modernizing itself—is Europe. And not just any Europe, but the transatlantic Europe of the enlarging EU and NATO.” (emphasis added, Kindle edition, p. 118)

Brzezinski was decisively wrong, and his misjudgment helped to lead to the disaster of the war in Ukraine. Russia did not simply succumb to the U.S. plan to expand NATO to Ukraine, as Brzezinski assumed it would. Russia said a firm no, and was prepared to wage war to stop the U.S. plans. As a result of the neocon miscalculations vis-à-vis Ukraine, Russia is now prevailing on the battlefield, and hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are dead.

Nor—and this is the plain message from Kazan—did U.S. sanctions and diplomatic pressures isolate Russian in the least. In response to pervasive U.S. bullying, an anti-hegemonic counterweight has emerged. Simply put, the majority of the world does not want or accept U.S. hegemony, and is prepared to face it down rather than submit to its dictates. Nor does the U.S. anymore possess the economic, financial, or military power to enforce its will, if it ever did.

The countries that assembled in Kazan represent a clear majority of the world’s population. The nine BRICS members (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa as the original five, plus Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates), in addition to the delegations of 27 aspiring members, constitute 57 percent of the world’s population and 47 percent of the world’s output (measured at purchasing-power adjusted prices). The U.S., by contrast, constitutes 4.1 percent of the world population and 15 percent of world output. Add in the U.S. allies, and the population share of the U.S.-led alliance is around 15 percent of the global population.

The BRICS will gain in relative economic weight, technological prowess, and military strength in the years ahead. The combined GDP of the BRICS countries is growing at around 5 percent per annum, while the combined GDP of the U.S. and its allies in Europe and the Asia-Pacific is growing at around 2 percent per annum.

Even with their growing clout, however, the BRICS can’t replace the U.S. as a new global hegemon. They simply lack the military, financial, and technological power to defeat the U.S. or even to threaten its vital interests. The BRICS are in practice calling for a new and realistic multipolarity, not an alternative hegemony in which they are in charge.

American strategists should heed the ultimately positive message coming from Kazan. Not only has the neocon quest for global hegemony failed, it has been a costly disaster for the US and the world, leading to bloody and pointless wars, economic shocks, mass displacements of populations, and rising threats of nuclear confrontation. A more inclusive and equitable multipolar world order offers a promising path out of the current morass, one that can benefit the U.S. and its allies as well as the nations that met in Kazan.

The rise of the BRICS is therefore not merely a rebuke to the U.S., but also a potential opening for a far more peaceful and secure world order. The multipolar world order envisioned by the BRICS can be a boon for all countries, including the United States. Time has run out on the neocon delusions, and the U.S. wars of choice. The moment has arrived for a renewed diplomacy to end the conflicts raging around the world.

2024年11月5日 星期二


GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:

Host: WP

Edit:  OF

 Learning is a never-ending road, and excellence is a challenge without an end.

Train people to know their strengths and train them to know their weaknesses.

Let’s meet to recharge and keep learning.


Learning for yourself is growth; learning for others is improvement.

Opportunities favor a prepared mind.

In your career, you can only achieve success by working hard; in work, you must have methods and rules.

In today's rapidly growing industrial competition, professionals who are unwilling to learn will face the fact of being eliminated from competition. Today, learning has become a necessary window and channel for self-improvement for every working person, rather than a choice.

Everything depends on mentality. Changing mentality changes life; it is not experience that shapes us, but the way each person responds to experience. Good intentions are encouragement, malice is motivation. Encouragement can make people progress; motivation can make people work hard.

Only business owners who actively cultivate talents for their own use can eventually achieve hegemony and dominate the world.

If you are a business owner, you have always thought that you can dig out talents and buy employees if you have money.

Then many companies won’t have to go to great lengths to find headhunters.

Everyone will eventually find out

An enterprise is a business that conquers the world by recruiting talents

Hardware facilities that can be purchased for money

Only basic equipment in the enterprise

Once people discover

When your employees are often incompetent,

No matter how many beautiful plans and marketing you have, it will still be the same

It creates a negative impression of your business in the minds of customers

You can only face the market with price

Because you have never sincerely maintained the value of your brand in the minds of customers.

 Let's learn and grow together with GCIOSGF and become the irreplaceable one!





為自己學習,是成長;為他人學習,是精進 。




















Merry Reading Time閱讀匯

 GCIOSGF Newsletter會訊: Host:WP Edit: OF 俄烏戰爭的這些事 戰爭的受害者永遠是老百姓 —— 所以孫子兵法寫道:「孫子曰:凡是用兵之法,全國為上,破國次之,全軍為上,破軍次之,全旅為上,破旅次之,全卒為上,破卒次之,全伍為上,破伍次之。是故百戰...