2025年1月4日 星期六


GCIOSGF Newsletter會訊
Edit: OF

 科學管理之父泰勒先後留學法國、德國及義大利,爾後受僱於米維利鋼鐵公司(Mivale Steel Company),歷經工人、書記、機械師、領班、製圖主任、總工程師等職務,經驗至為豐富。由於他對公司員工的浪費及無效率甚為注意,故他以在企業機構各級工作所吸取的經驗,發展出其著名的〔科學管理原理〕(Principles of Scientific Management)。一九一一年輯印出版後,奠定其在科學管理學派的領導地位,並為行政理論化樹立了不朽的根基。其被譽為科學管理運動之父,實至名歸。

  根據韋勒斯(R. Villers)和謝文全的看法,泰勒的行政理論,主要由下列六個原則所構成:
  1.動作研究原則(motion study principle):以科學的方法,對工作時人體各部位的動作詳加分析研究,以達到三個目的:(1)找出最好的工作方法;(2)發現完成工作的最有效標準工具、設備與環境;(3)根據動作研究結果,來安置適合擔任某項工作的人選,使人事相適。
  2.時間研究原則(time study principle):以科學的方法,測量完成某項工作所需的標準時間,以達到二個目的:(1)確定工作的合理時間,明定合理化的績效標準,使成員不敢偷懶,藉以提高工作效率;(2)訂定作業標準時間,以決定合理的薪資及獎金。
  3.按件計酬原則(piece rate principle):成員的報酬,應根據其個人工作績效來決定;而不應根據工作時間的長短及其所屬團體的工作量來訂定。如果個人的工作績效超出預定的標準,則可獲得獎金。追求經濟報酬,是人們從事工作的最大動因。
  4.計畫與執行分離原則(separation of planning from performance principle):計畫的工作交由行政管理人員負責,而基層員工只負責執行的任務即可。這種專業分工制度,可以提高工作績效。
  5.功能管理原則(functional management principle):將行政管理工作,依其功能的不同分為若干部分,每部分由一位專家負責管理,因此一位成員可能會同時接受若干位上司的指導,而非只受命於一位長官而已。
  6.管理人員專業化原則(managerial control principle):行政人員應受專業訓練,熟悉使用科學的管理方法。
  泰勒的科學管理理論,深深影響了教育行政工作。例如教育學者巴比特(F. Bobbitt)便認為欲提高行政效能,務須利用科學管理之經濟、秩序、服從、一致性等原則,以確立學校「產出」的理想標準,明訂學校「生產」的方法,訂定教師(生產者)必具的資格條件,並且提供教師明細的工作準則,包括應完成的工作,應達到的標準及其應採行的方法。教師的唯一主要任務,即在利用標準的方法,以產出標準的結果。除此之外,漢生(E. Mark Hanson)亦曾以下表,說明科學管理原則對學校的影響。

2024年11月30日 星期六

The truth is indeed in the hands of a few, how to define?

GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:
Merry Reading Time,
Host: WP 
Edit: OF

Discussing "Who holds the truth?"


1,the story of the woman of the highest IQ in the world
This woman holds the highest recorded IQ ever: an astonishing 228. Far surpassing Einstein (160-190), Hawking (160), and Musk (155). Yet, despite her brilliance, she faced ridicule for her response to a seemingly simple problem.
But she saw what no one else could.
Here’s her story:
Marilyn Vos Savant was far from an ordinary child.
By the age of 10, she had:
• Memorized entire books
• Read all 24 volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica
• Achieved the highest recorded IQ of 228
She seemed destined for a life of genius.
But reality took a different turn.
“No one paid much attention to me—mostly because I was a girl. And I accepted that,” Marilyn Vos Savant once said.
She attended a regular public school, left Washington University after two years to help run her parents' business, and seemed destined for an ordinary life.
But in 1985, everything changed.
The Guinness Book of World Records listed her as having the "Highest IQ" ever recorded: 228.
Suddenly, Marilyn was thrust into the spotlight:
• Featured on the covers of New York Magazine and Parade Magazine
• Guest on Late Night with David Letterman
But she couldn’t have anticipated what lay ahead.
The Rise and the Question
Marilyn joined Parade Magazine to write the iconic "Ask Marilyn" column—a dream for someone with a passion for writing.
Yet, this dream turned into a nightmare with a single question in September 1990.
The Monty Hall Problem
Named after Monty Hall, the host of Let’s Make a Deal, the question went like this:
You’re on a game show.
There are 3 doors.
• 1 door hides a car.
• The other 2 hide goats.
You choose a door. The host opens another door, revealing a goat.
Should you switch doors?
Marilyn’s answer: “Yes, you should switch.”
The backlash was overwhelming. She received over 10,000 letters, including nearly 1,000 from PhDs, insisting she was wrong:
• “You are the goat!”
• “You blew it, and you blew it big!”
• “Maybe women look at math problems differently than men.”
But was she wrong?
The Math Behind the Answer
Consider the two possible scenarios:
You pick the car (1/3 chance):
• If you switch, you lose.
You pick a goat (2/3 chance):
• Monty reveals the other goat.
• If you switch, you win.
Switching gives you a 2/3 chance of winning.
Eventually, her answer was proven correct.
MIT ran computer simulations confirming her logic.
MythBusters tested it and reached the same conclusion.
Some academics even apologized.
So why did so many fail to see the truth?
The Reasons People Got It Wrong
• They "reset" the scenario instead of recognizing the shifting probabilities.
• The simplicity of 3 doors obscured the underlying math.
• Many assumed each remaining door had a 50% chance.
Marilyn’s View
Marilyn blamed the compulsory schooling system for discouraging independent thinking. She argued that it:
• Creates passive learners
• Stifles exploration
• Hinders critical thinking
A Blessing and a Burden
Marilyn admits that her intellect often feels isolating—there’s no one to turn to when she needs answers.
Still, she sees her intelligence as a gift, not a curse.
2, 其它觀點:
真理往往在少數人手中是一句名言,應該也是一句老生常談的真理,因為柏拉圖就說過類似的話:真理可能在少數人手上。 這兩句話裡都有副詞往往和可能,而不是直接地說真理在少數人手裡,因而這個說法是對的。但引用這句話的人一定是在需要引用的時候引用的,其真實的意思卻往往是把原話裡的往往或可能的語法意義去掉,強調了真理就是在少數人手裡,這就不對了。 那麼真理從理論上和事實上有沒有可能真在少數人手中呢?其實這裡的真理有兩個意思,一是理論上的真理,比如看不見的手、引力定律、相對論等這些帶有普遍性、本質性、規律性的真理性的學說,不但可能而且必然在少數人手裡,因為一般人的認識不可能這麼專業;二是事實性的真理,也就是對一般的現實和狀況的觀點正確,這就兩說。這樣的真理有可能在少數人手裡,更大的可能在多數手中。這樣的真理往往不只一個,立足點和眼界不同,觀點就不一樣,但結果有可能是一樣的。條條大路通羅馬。 雖然如此,事實性的真理往往還是到了少數人手中,一是確實有少數人的認識能力超強,深刻周全,二是少數人影響大,多數人不會獨立思考,三是少數人掌握了權力,權力取代真理,如封建帝王的金口獨斷,四是多數人的觀點往往沒有驗證的機會,沒有機會和少數人的觀點作正誤對比,只剩下少數人的觀點獨擅勝場,即使出現偏頗,也是正確的偏頗。 在事實性真理方面還是多數人的觀點正確,上萬年的人類文明史的道路發展到現在即使出現過意大利、德國、日本的法西斯毒瘤也很快糾正了過來,絕大多數國家和地區不論先進或落後基本上都還在同一個發展道路上,並沒有成功的獨闢蹊徑。這說明多數人的選擇是正確的。 在各種關於事實性的事物投票方面都是多數為勝,少數服從多數。 近年來還出現過一些翻案事件,例如給商紂王、秦始皇、曹操、隋煬帝翻案,其實對他們的定案都是絕大多數人的觀點,而且經過上千年的歷史沉澱,定錯案的可能性極小,不適合用真理往往在少數人手中的觀點。 真理往往在少數人手裡這句話的實際操作是有副作用的,那就是它有利於少數人養成獨斷專行剛愎自用的習性,使本來具有一定真理性的說法蒙上了更多荒謬的陰影。

2024年11月16日 星期六

These are the tips people follow you!

 GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:
Host: WP 
Edit: OF
Today’s merry reading time, we have discussed these issues. And each had their own opinions.
We think everyone will set their own unique style in their jobs and lives .
See you all next time.

2024年11月11日 星期一

The BRICS Summit Should Mark the End of Neocon Delusions COPY FROM EMAIL

The BRICS Summit Should Mark the End of Neocon Delusions

Jeffrey D. Sachs   |   November 2, 2024   |   Common Dreams

Simply put, the majority of the world does not want or accept U.S. hegemony, and is prepared to face it down rather than submit to its dictates.

The recent BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia should mark the end of the Neocon delusions encapsulated in the subtitle of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s 1997 book, The Global ChessboardAmerican Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives. Since the 1990s, the goal of American foreign policy has been “primacy,” aka global hegemony. The U.S. methods of choice have been wars, regime change operations, and unilateral coercive measures (economic sanctions). Kazan brought together 35 countries with more than half the world population that reject the U.S. bullying and that are not cowed by U.S. claims of hegemony.

In the Kazan Declaration, the countries underscored “the emergence of new centres of power, policy decision-making and economic growth, which can pave the way for a more equitable, just, democratic and balanced multipolar world order.” They emphasized "the need to adapt the current architecture of international relations to better reflect the contemporary realities,” while declaring their “commitment to multilateralism and upholding the international law, including the Purposes and Principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations (UN) as its indispensable cornerstone.” They took particular aim at the sanctions imposed by the U.S. and its allies, holding that “Such measures undermine the UN Charter, the multilateral trading system, the sustainable development and environmental agreements.”

The neocon quest for global hegemony has deep historical roots in America’s belief in its exceptionalism. In 1630, John Winthrop invoked the Gospels in describing the Massachusetts Bay Colony as a “City on the Hill,” declaring grandiosely that “The eyes of all people are upon us.” In the 19th century, America was guided by Manifest Destiny, to conquer North America by displacing or exterminating the native peoples. In the course of World War II, Americans embraced the idea of the “American Century,” that after the war the U.S. would lead the world.

The U.S. delusions of grandeur were supercharged with the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991. With America’s Cold War nemesis gone, the ascendant American neoconservatives conceived of a new world order in which the U.S. was the sole superpower and the policeman of the world. Their foreign policy instruments of choice were wars and regime-change operations to overthrow governments they disliked.

Following 9/11, the neocons planned to overthrow seven governments in the Islamic world, starting with Iraq, and then moving on to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. According to Wesley Clark, former Supreme Commander of NATO, the neocons expected the U.S. to prevail in these wars in 5 years. Yet now, more than 20 years on, the neocon-instigated wars continue while the U.S. has achieved absolutely none of its hegemonic objectives.

The neocons reasoned back in the 1990s that no country or group of countries would ever dare to stand up to U.S. power. Brzezinski, for example, argued in The Grand Chessboard that Russia would have no choice but to submit to the U.S.-led expansion of NATO and the geopolitical dictates of the U.S. and Europe, since there was no realistic prospect of Russia successfully forming an anti-hegemonic coalition with China, Iran and others. As Brzezinski put it:

“Russia’s only real geostrategic option—the option that could give Russia a realistic international role and also maximize the opportunity of transforming and socially modernizing itself—is Europe. And not just any Europe, but the transatlantic Europe of the enlarging EU and NATO.” (emphasis added, Kindle edition, p. 118)

Brzezinski was decisively wrong, and his misjudgment helped to lead to the disaster of the war in Ukraine. Russia did not simply succumb to the U.S. plan to expand NATO to Ukraine, as Brzezinski assumed it would. Russia said a firm no, and was prepared to wage war to stop the U.S. plans. As a result of the neocon miscalculations vis-à-vis Ukraine, Russia is now prevailing on the battlefield, and hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are dead.

Nor—and this is the plain message from Kazan—did U.S. sanctions and diplomatic pressures isolate Russian in the least. In response to pervasive U.S. bullying, an anti-hegemonic counterweight has emerged. Simply put, the majority of the world does not want or accept U.S. hegemony, and is prepared to face it down rather than submit to its dictates. Nor does the U.S. anymore possess the economic, financial, or military power to enforce its will, if it ever did.

The countries that assembled in Kazan represent a clear majority of the world’s population. The nine BRICS members (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa as the original five, plus Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates), in addition to the delegations of 27 aspiring members, constitute 57 percent of the world’s population and 47 percent of the world’s output (measured at purchasing-power adjusted prices). The U.S., by contrast, constitutes 4.1 percent of the world population and 15 percent of world output. Add in the U.S. allies, and the population share of the U.S.-led alliance is around 15 percent of the global population.

The BRICS will gain in relative economic weight, technological prowess, and military strength in the years ahead. The combined GDP of the BRICS countries is growing at around 5 percent per annum, while the combined GDP of the U.S. and its allies in Europe and the Asia-Pacific is growing at around 2 percent per annum.

Even with their growing clout, however, the BRICS can’t replace the U.S. as a new global hegemon. They simply lack the military, financial, and technological power to defeat the U.S. or even to threaten its vital interests. The BRICS are in practice calling for a new and realistic multipolarity, not an alternative hegemony in which they are in charge.

American strategists should heed the ultimately positive message coming from Kazan. Not only has the neocon quest for global hegemony failed, it has been a costly disaster for the US and the world, leading to bloody and pointless wars, economic shocks, mass displacements of populations, and rising threats of nuclear confrontation. A more inclusive and equitable multipolar world order offers a promising path out of the current morass, one that can benefit the U.S. and its allies as well as the nations that met in Kazan.

The rise of the BRICS is therefore not merely a rebuke to the U.S., but also a potential opening for a far more peaceful and secure world order. The multipolar world order envisioned by the BRICS can be a boon for all countries, including the United States. Time has run out on the neocon delusions, and the U.S. wars of choice. The moment has arrived for a renewed diplomacy to end the conflicts raging around the world.

2024年11月5日 星期二


GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:

Host: WP

Edit:  OF

 Learning is a never-ending road, and excellence is a challenge without an end.

Train people to know their strengths and train them to know their weaknesses.

Let’s meet to recharge and keep learning.


Learning for yourself is growth; learning for others is improvement.

Opportunities favor a prepared mind.

In your career, you can only achieve success by working hard; in work, you must have methods and rules.

In today's rapidly growing industrial competition, professionals who are unwilling to learn will face the fact of being eliminated from competition. Today, learning has become a necessary window and channel for self-improvement for every working person, rather than a choice.

Everything depends on mentality. Changing mentality changes life; it is not experience that shapes us, but the way each person responds to experience. Good intentions are encouragement, malice is motivation. Encouragement can make people progress; motivation can make people work hard.

Only business owners who actively cultivate talents for their own use can eventually achieve hegemony and dominate the world.

If you are a business owner, you have always thought that you can dig out talents and buy employees if you have money.

Then many companies won’t have to go to great lengths to find headhunters.

Everyone will eventually find out

An enterprise is a business that conquers the world by recruiting talents

Hardware facilities that can be purchased for money

Only basic equipment in the enterprise

Once people discover

When your employees are often incompetent,

No matter how many beautiful plans and marketing you have, it will still be the same

It creates a negative impression of your business in the minds of customers

You can only face the market with price

Because you have never sincerely maintained the value of your brand in the minds of customers.

 Let's learn and grow together with GCIOSGF and become the irreplaceable one!





為自己學習,是成長;為他人學習,是精進 。



















2024年11月2日 星期六


  GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:

Host : WP

Edit: OF


Yesterday, World Weather Attribution celebrated its 10-year anniversary today! 

Led by Imperial’s Dr. Fredi Otto, the international team of scientists study how climate change influences heatwaves, storms, floods, wildfires and droughts. 

Think of them like detectives – in the immediate aftermath of extreme weather events, they assess the evidence, then determine the impact that climate change had on the disaster. 

In doing so, they’ve helped millions of people understand that climate change is not a distant threat, but an urgent reality.





2024年10月31日 星期四


 GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊


What is "circle breakthrough"

If you want to have a different life

You must break your original circle

and constantly empower or be empowered

You can never make money beyond your knowledge

different choices

Create a different life

"Circle Breakthrough"

It’s about if you want to have a different life

You must break your solidified circle

Only then can we reach a higher level in life

Break out of your comfort zone

Circle determines your horizons







2024年10月27日 星期日

Ranked: The World’s Most Innovative Countries in 2024

 GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:

Edit: OF

Ranked: The World’s Most Innovative Countries in 2024

This was originally posted on our Voronoi app. Download the app for free on iOS or Android and discover incredible data-driven charts from a variety of trusted sources.

The Global Innovation Index (GII) 2024, published by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), ranks 133 economies based on their innovation capabilities and performance. This year's report highlights shifts in global innovation leadership, with a focus on emerging economies challenging traditional leaders .

To summarize the results of this year’s GII, we visualized each economy’s score using a global heatmap. Lower scores are shown as darker shades of blue, transitioning to green and then yellow as score increases.


The GII measures each economy based on seven underlying innovation pillars, which altogether comprise 78 indicators. These are summarized in the table below:

Innovation Pillar Example Indicators

👨‍💻 Knowledge & Tech Outputs Patent applications, Hi-tech manufacturing

👩‍🏫 Human Capital & Research Researchers per million population, Global corporate R&D investors

🧳 Business Sophistication Knowledge-intensive employment, University-industry R&D collaboration

📈 Market Sophistication Finance for startups, Venture capital received

💡 Creative Outputs Trademark applications, Global brand value

🛣️ Infrastructure Environmental performance, Information and communication technology access

🏛️ Institutions Regulatory quality, Policies for doing business

The overall GII scores (which are what we’ve shown in the graphic above) are based on the average scores from these seven pillars.

Most Innovative Countries in 2024

The following table includes all of the data we used to create this graphic. For the 14th consecutive year, Switzerland was named the world’s most innovative country.

Rank Name Score

1 🇨🇭 Switzerland 67.5

2 🇸🇪 Sweden 64.5

3 🇺🇸 U.S. 62.4

4 🇸🇬 Singapore 61.2

5 🇬🇧 UK 61

6 🇰🇷 South Korea 60.9

7 🇫🇮 Finland 59.4

8 🇳🇱 Netherlands 58.8

9 🇩🇪 Germany 58.1

10 🇩🇰 Denmark 57.1

11 🇨🇳 China 56.3

12 🇫🇷 France 55.4

13 🇯🇵 Japan 54.1

14 🇨🇦 Canada 52.9

15 🇮🇱 Israel 52.7

16 🇪🇪 Estonia 52.3

17 🇦🇹 Austria 50.3

18 🇭🇰 Hong Kong 50.1

19 🇮🇪 Ireland 50

20 🇱🇺 Luxembourg 49.1


Similar to last year, the U.S. takes third place in the GII. It ranked the highest in Market Sophistication (#1) and Business Sophistication (#2), but its overall score was dragged down by its lower rank in Infrastructure (#30) .

A key theme of this year’s GII is innovation overperformers, which are countries that perform above expectations relative to their level of development.

The top three in this regard are India, Moldova, and Vietnam. All three of these economies have overperformed over the past 14 years since 2011.

Other Key Takeaways

The GII 2024 also provides insight into the current state of global innovation. Here are some of the highlights:

Technological progress: The rate of progress in green technologies is lagging behind average growth for the decade. A key challenge here is reducing the energy consumption of supercomputers.

Technology adoption: 5G, robotics, and electric vehicles are all seeing increased penetration levels.

Socioeconomic impact: The GII reports mixed progress, partly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, levels of poverty are higher than those recorded in 2018, while life expectancy remains at 2015 levels.

排名:2024 年全球最具創新力國家

這最初發佈在我們的 Voronoi 應用程式上。在 iOS 或 Android 上免費下載該應用程序,並從各種可信任來源發現令人難以置信的數據驅動圖表。


為了總結今年 GII 的結果,我們使用全球熱圖視覺化了每個經濟體的得分。較低的分數顯示為深藍色,隨著分數的增加,逐漸變為綠色,然後變為黃色。


GII 根據七個基本創新支柱來衡量每個經濟體,總共包含 78 個指標。這些總結如下表:



👩‍🏫 每百萬人口中的人力資本與研究人員、全球企業研發投資者

🧳 商業成熟度 知識密集就業、產學合作

📈 市場成熟度 新創企業融資,獲得創投



🏛️ 機構監管品質、營商政策

GII 總分(如上圖)是基於這七個支柱的平均得分。

2024 年最具創新力國家


排名 名稱 分數

1 🇨🇭 瑞士 67.5

2 🇸🇪 瑞典 64.5

3 🇺🇸 美國 62.4

4 🇸🇬 新加坡 61.2

5 🇬🇧 英國 61


7 🇫🇮 芬蘭 59.4

8 🇳🇱 荷蘭 58.8

9 🇩🇪 德國 58.1



12 🇫🇷 法國 55.4


14 🇨🇦 加拿大 52.9




18 🇭🇰 香港 50.1

19 🇮🇪 愛爾蘭 50



與去年類似,美國在 GII 中排名第三。它在市場複雜度(#1)和業務複雜度(#2)方面排名最高,但其整體得分因基礎設施(#30)排名較低而受到拖累。


這方面排名前三的分別是印度、摩爾多瓦和越南。自 2011 年以來的過去 14 年裡,這三個經濟體都表現優異。


GII 2024 也深入了解了全球創新的現狀。以下是一些亮點:



社會經濟影響:GII 報告的進展好壞參半,部分原因是 COVID-19 大流行。例如,貧窮水準高於 2018 年,而預期壽命仍維持在 2015 年水準。

2024年10月5日 星期六

What is a cliquish social circle ?

GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:

Merry Reading Time 

Host : WP 

Edit : OF 

 What is a circle , cliquish social circle ?

In short, it is derived from the sociological law of “birds of a feather flock together” - people with the same socioeconomic status, similar hobbies and tastes gather together to form a “subculture circle”. Groups that have the same expectations for life and have a sense of type, values, and habits are gathered through circles to create a new way of life and convey a kind of life value.

Regarding circles, the earliest typical representative in China should be Mencius’ mother. She moved her residence three times in search of good neighbors. In fact, she just hoped to find a better living circle through the relocation of her house. As a result, she succeeded. Under the influence of many people, Mencius became a famous thinker and educator in ancient China, and a Confucian master second only to Confucius.

A survey report published by the Stanford Research Center stated:

money earned by one person

12.5% ​​comes from knowledge, 87.5% comes from relationships

Networking plays an important role in a person’s achievements.

Churchill once said:

“It was the meditation in painting that saved me”

His neighbor, a painter, asked him to pick up a paintbrush

Started the journey of being a painter

So it doesn’t matter who you are

What matters is who you are with

One sentence expresses the power of circles

Circles make dreams become reality

Circles attract like-minded people

The development of the times is like waves, rolling forward and gaining momentum while retreating. With the development of science and technology, business models continue to innovate, and consumption patterns gradually shift from the mass consumption economy to the niche economy, which is now called the circle economy.

Based on the different age groups, industry fields, lifestyles, and values, the criteria for judging quality, the degree of emotional perception, and the pursuit of personality are all very different. Therefore, we want to create a popular star consumer product to meet the needs of everyone. It is very, very difficult, so the voice of future product demand will come from circles with common interests, attitudes, hobbies, and values.

The classification and standards of circles are not defined. The development of Internet communication has brought together regions and people who once had no intersection with each other. The popularity and progress of Internet social interaction have once again integrated, sorted out and reorganized the mixed parts. Forming circles, independent of each other but interacting with each other.

Circle economy is a trend

In the era of mass consumption, companies competed on scale, production capacity, and brand effect. But now the upgrading of consumption has led to quality and reputation that companies can no longer easily control. The voice of consumers can be heard through their own circles. The spread of the epidemic will eventually create a wave of shock that will hit the enterprise.

One of the biggest current manifestations is that traditional retail and traditional e-commerce are gradually upgrading to new retail. Strive to form a new retail model with a sharing model, sharing economy, altruistic principles, integrating the fragmentation and socialization of consumption, and unifying online and offline. In the future, I believe that this kind of social new retail will be a new “dividend of the times” for a period of time!

The popularity of circle social networking

In fact, it’s not just consumption, our lives are also subtly changing from the masses to the niche.

Social networking, from the era of letters when “cars and horses move slowly”, to mobile social networking through Internet mailboxes, to the popular online fast social networking through FB,line,WeChat, with the rapid development of the Internet, various social software and tools have emerged. The more they are used and popularized in daily life, the more people rely on these software in social interactions, and the more things and people they get to know and come into contact with. Things can be classified, and social interactions can also be divided to a certain extent. Regardless of industry, workplace, outlook on life, interests, etc., they will form their own circles.

Different circles have different values. Being close to the outstanding circles in this industry can become a kind of motivation. When outstanding people gather together, a huge magnetic field will be generated, attracting other people to join and connect.

The value of a circle is not driven entirely by outstanding people, but by people who are close to the circle. How big the magnetic field of the circle is, how many people it can influence, how many people identify with the circle, and how powerful the circle is. value.

When most people resonate at the same frequency and let their individual excellence empower and inspire each other, then everyone in the circle will gain value.

2024年10月3日 星期四

Go Green, Be healthy, Be positive ,Be honest

GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊:

 GCIOSGF所做的,依專業分組討論共修,提升專業素養,道德修養,崇賞正向良善,關心社會綠能環保議題。推廣蔬食,節能減碳. What GCIOSGF does is to discuss and practice together in groups according to majors, improve professional quality, moral cultivation, appreciate and advocate the positive kindness, and care about social green energy and environmental protection issues. Promote vegetarian food, save energy and reduce carbon. Go green, be healthy, be honest.

2024年9月28日 星期六

General Meeting Of GCIOSGF

 GCIOSGF Newsletter 會訊

general meeting  Of GCIOSGF

Host  WP

Edit: OF

Place : Xinyi Road 


一年工作報告,積極響應政府號召,推動節能減排,鼓勵會員力求創新及個人各項能力再提升,積極參與月例會,週例會的聯誼進修和總會時尚蔬食薈的每月蔬食一次救地球的蔬食餐會活動。籌措啟動永續監管推廣環境保護聯盟。也希望幹部會員們集思廣益,將活動辦的更精彩多元。2024 work report, actively respond to the government‘s call to promote energy conservation and emission reduction, encourage members to strive for innovation and further improve our personal abilities, actively participate in our monthly meetings, weekly meetings for friendship and lifting our all kinds of the abilities. Also welcome to attend the monthly vegetarian meal event of Fashion Veggie Club of GCIOSGF  to save the earth by eating vegetables once a month. Try to launch to start the Sustainable Supervision and Promotion Environmental Protection Alliance. I also hope that the cadres and members can brainstorm ideas to make the event more exciting and diverse.

2024年9月20日 星期五


德文(German),Guten Tag,(顧得打嗝),ㄍㄨ,ㄊㄧㄢ,ㄊㄟˋ,ㄍㄜˋ
印度(Indian),Sathsariakl,(傻傻的漱口),ㄙㄚ,ㄙ,ㄟ,ㄌ一,ㄎㄡˋ <--- 印度學弟說這個他看不懂 XD
義大利(Italian),Buon giorno,(不翁救乳酪),ㄅㄨ,ㄨㄥ,ㄐㄧ,ㄡ,ㄋㄡ
西藏(Tibetan),Tashi delek,(打希特勒),ㄉㄚ,ㄒㄩ,ㄉㄜ,ㄌㄟ
韓文(Korean),안녕하세요(An nyeong ha se yo),(ㄚ你ㄚ誰優),ㄚ,ㄋㄧ,ㄚ,ㄕㄟ,ㄧㄡ
巴里島(Bali),Selamat pagi,(私拉媽爸機),ㄙ,ㄌㄚ,ㄇㄚ,ㄅㄚ,ㄐㄧ



GCIOSGF Newsletter會訊 管科的延續 Host:WO Edit: OF  科學管理之父 泰勒先後留學法國、德國及義大利,爾後受僱於米維利鋼鐵公司(Mivale Steel Company),歷經工人、書記、機械師、領班、製圖主任、總工程師等職務,經驗至為豐富。由於...